Uses of Vivitrol

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Vivitrol drug has the main ingredient is Naltrexone hydrochloride 380 mg, belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs. Vivitrol drug is commonly used in the treatment of alcoholism and prevention of relapse of Opioid drug addiction... Learn about the ingredients, indications, contraindications and side effects of Vivitrol for patients. best treatment effect.

1. What is Vivitrol?

What is Vivitrol? Vivitrol drug is prepared in the form of a powder with water for injection, with the main ingredients including:
Active ingredient in powder form: Naltrexone hydrochloride content 380 mg. Water for injection: Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide, Hydrochloric Acid, Polysorbate 20 just enough for 1 vial of 5 ml. Naltrexone hydrochloride is a neurotropic substance that exerts an opioid antagonist effect through competitive inhibition of opioid receptors. This active ingredient attenuates or completely blocks and reverses the effects of exogenous opioids. However, the main effect of Naltrexone hydrochloride, which is to reduce cravings for alcohol, thereby reducing alcohol consumption in alcoholics, is not fully understood.

2. What does Vivitrol do?

Vivitrol is indicated for the treatment of the following conditions:
Treatment of alcoholism in patients who can abstain from alcohol in an outpatient setting prior to initiating treatment with Vivitrol. Prevent or prevent re-dependence on opioids.

3. Contraindications of Vivitrol

Vivitrol is contraindicated in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to any component of Vivitrol. History of allergy to antibiotics containing Naltrexone hydrochloride. Patient is taking opioid analgesics. Patient is dependent on opioids. Patient has symptoms of opioid withdrawal. People who failed the Naloxone test or had a positive urine test result for Opioids. Patients with severe renal impairment. Pregnant or lactating women. Persons under 18 years old.

4. Dosage and usage of Vivitrol

4.1. How to use Vivitrol is a medication that is given by intramuscular (buttock) injection. Before injecting, it is necessary to mix the powder vial containing Naltrexone hydrochloride and the solution for injection of 5 ml. Do not use opioids for at least 7 days before taking Vivitrol. The use of Vivitrol drug must be prepared and managed at medical examination and treatment facilities, patients are not allowed to buy and use the drug on their own. 4.2. Dosage Adults
Recommended dose: Intramuscular (buttock) 1 vial (380 mg) once every 4 weeks or once a month.

5. Precautions when using Vivitrol

5.1 Side effects encountered when using Vivitrol Treatment with Vivitrol in high doses or for a long time, can cause side effects such as:
Central nervous system: Headache, insomnia at night or drowsiness at night. daytime, fainting, dizziness, decreased libido. Respiratory: Laryngitis and pharyngitis, flu-like symptoms. Cardiovascular: Hypertension, chest pain, flushing, hot flashes, deep vein thrombosis. Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, increased appetite, toothache, gastrointestinal bleeding, functional intestinal obstruction. Urinary: Urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis. Musculoskeletal: Pain in bones, muscles, joints, muscle spasms, movement stiffness. Vision: Decreased vision, conjunctivitis, blurred vision. Blood chemistry: Increased liver enzymes, hypercholesterolemia, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances. Allergic reactions: Urticaria, skin rash, pruritus, Quincke's edema, severe systemic allergy that may develop in the form of anaphylaxis , multi-organ failure . Patients, family members and staff at medical facilities should pay attention to observe and monitor after using Vivitrol for patients to promptly detect and handle the above side effects or any abnormalities. other.
5.2 Notes on the use of Vivitrol in subjects Be careful when using Vivitrol in people with severe liver and kidney dysfunction, people with a history of or are addicted to many drugs at the same time, people with mental illness, history or being depressed, the patient has HIV infection has progressed to AIDS. Pregnant women: According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classification of active ingredient Naltrexone hydrochloride in group C, the group has evidence of a risk on pregnancy such as causing birth defects, miscarriage or other harmful effects. Therefore, the use of Vivitrol is contraindicated in pregnant women. Lactation: There are some studies that suggest that Naltrexone hydrochloride and its metabolite 6β-Naltrexol may pass through and be present in breast milk. However, its effects on the nursing infant or milk production have not been elucidated. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the benefits to the mother and the potential side effects for the infant before deciding to use Vivitrol in this population. Drivers or machine operators may experience neurological signs and impaired vision after using Vivitrol. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the use of Vivitrol right before or during work.

6. Vivitrol drug interactions

Interactions with other drugs
Vivitrol has an antagonistic effect with Opioid-containing medicines used to treat coughs, colds, anti-diarrheals or pain relievers. Avoid using the combination of Vivitrol and Thioridazine because of possible side effects such as drowsiness, drowsiness, or poisoning. Above is an overview of the ingredients, uses, dosage and precautions when using Vivitrol. Getting the best treatment results when using Vivitrol requires the cooperation of both patients, family members and medical staff.
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