Uses of Vacoflox

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Vacoflox L – anti-infective drug is used in cases of infection as indicated. Medicines sold by prescription, with monitoring and warning from a doctor. Let's learn more about Vacoflox L uses, dosage, precautions,... through the article below.

1. What is Vacoflox L?

Vacoflox L belongs to a group of prescription drugs that treat parasites, antifungals, and antivirals. The drug is manufactured by Vacopharm Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - Vietnam, according to the registration number VD - 18428 - 13, basic standards.
The main ingredients in Vacoflox L include:
Levofloxacin; Polyvinyl pyrrolidone; Talc; Magnesium stearate; Sodium starch glycolate; Aerosil, Microcrystalline cellulose; Alcohol 96%; Titanium dioxide; Hyproxypropyl mefhylcellulose; Erythrosine; Red ponceau; The drug is packaged in a white and red background box, printed in green by the manufacturer. There are 7 packing specifications for Vacoflox L, including:
Blister, blister of 10 tablets x box of 2 blisters; Blister, blister of 10 tablets x box of 3 blisters; Blister, blister of 10 tablets x box of 5 blisters; Blister, blister of 7 tablets x box of 2 blisters; Blister, blister of 7 tablets x box of 3 blisters; Blister, blister of 7 tablets x box of 5 blisters; Bottled 30 tablets; Bottled 50 tablets; Vacoflox L is sold at pharmacies and hospitals nationwide.

2. What are the uses of Vacoflox L?

Vacoflox L contains the main ingredient Levofloxacin - a broad-spectrum synthetic antibiotic of the Fluroquinolone group. Bactericidal effect thanks to the ability to inhibit the enzyme toposomerase II or IV - essential enzymes of bacteria involved in catalyzing the process of coding and repairing bacterial DNA.
Vacoflox L is effective against many different strains of Gram (-) and (+) bacteria. Especially the group of Gram (+) anaerobic bacteria. The spectrum of action includes:
Sensitive bacteria in vitro and clinical infections such as: Gram (-), Gram (+) aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, other bacteria (Chlamydia, Mycoplasma pneumoniae) ,...),...; In vitro intermediate sensitive bacteria: Gram (+) aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria,... Levofloxacin resistant bacteria such as: Staphylococcus aureus meti-R, Staphylococcus coagulase 4m crystal meti-R, .. .; In general, Vacoflox L is used to treat all types of infections in the indicated list. The drug is rapidly and completely absorbed after use, excreted in the urine.

3. Indication of Vacoflox L

Vacoflox L is indicated for infections such as:
Infections with susceptible organisms; Urinary tract infections ; Kidney disease; Acute pyelonephritis; Pneumonia; Prostatitis ; Types of skin and tissue infections; In addition, Vacoflox L is also indicated for post-exposure prophylaxis and treatment of anthrax.

4. Dosage – how to use Vacoflox L

Vacoflox L is administered orally directly with filtered water/white water. Exclude carbonated water, alcohol, fruit juice, tea, coffee, ... because sharing can change the chemical composition of the drug.
Dosage of Vacoflox L according to the instructions of the doctor / pharmacist

4.1. Dosage of community-acquired pneumonia

As recommended, for this subject, the dose of Vacoflox L is indicated as taking 1 tablet/time, 1-2 times a day for about 7-14 days.

4.2. Dosage for subjects with skin and mucosal infections

In this group of subjects, the dose depends on the condition with or without complications. Specifically:
Complicated infections: Take 2 tablets/day for 7-14 days; Uncomplicated infections: Take 1 tablet/day for 7-14 days; The recommended post-exposure prophylaxis against anthrax is 1 tablet daily for 8 weeks.

4.3. Dosage for patients with urinary tract infections

In this group of subjects, the recommended dose is 1 tablet per day for 10 days.
In addition, the dosage is also adjusted by the doctor after the process of assessing the specific situation on each case. You need to follow the instructions for the dose of Vacoflox L to ensure effectiveness.

5. Contraindications Vacoflox L

Vacoflox L is used to treat infections caused by susceptible bacteria. However, when used, must also be used with caution, do not use the drug for the following groups:
Allergy or hypersensitivity to the ingredients and excipients contained in Vacoflox L; People with epilepsy ; G6PD deficiency; History of tendon disease caused by a fluoroquinolone; Children under 18; Pregnant; Breastfeeding; ... The above groups of subjects should not use Vacoflox L because it can cause hypersensitivity reactions, which are very dangerous.

6. Precautions and warnings when using Vacoflox

Vacoflox L should be used with caution in the following groups:
Tendonitis (heel tendon) because it can cause tendon rupture; Children under 18 years old can cause cartilage degeneration; If there are adverse reactions such as mental disorders, central nervous system stimulation leading to convulsions, ... should be used with caution. If continued use, appropriate symptomatic treatment measures must be taken; The group of subjects with diabetes should use Vacoflox L with caution because it may cause disturbances in sugar metabolism...; ... Because the drug Vacoflox L when used may have to be cautious with a specific group of subjects, you need to pay attention. Inform the doctor of any problems encountered for advice, answers and effective treatment.

7. Vacoflox Interactions

Vacoflox L may cause interactions when used with drugs:
Reduce the effect when used with antacid, sucralfate, multivitamin, metal ion...; Increased plasma concentrations and theophylline AUC; Concomitant use with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may increase the risk of nerve irritation, convulsions; Concomitant use of hypoglycemic agents may increase the risk of dysglycemia; ... Tell your doctor about the medicines you are taking, taking them continuously for a long time... for advice before taking Vacoflox L.

8. Vacoflox L . side effects

When taking Vacoflox L you may experience some side effects such as:
Nausea; Vomit; Diarrhea ; Sleep disorders; Headache; Dizzy ; Joint pain/swelling; Allergy; Heart rhythm disturbances; Superinfection with prolonged use; ... These side effects can be encountered in any subject when taking Vacoflox L. Therefore, carefully monitor and notify the doctor for the best treatment.

9. Storing Vacoflox

Vacoflox L is well stored in the box/vial at room temperature.
Vacoflox L is used to treat infections as indicated. Medicines prescribed by doctors, should not be used for a long time, especially pregnant and lactating women must be cautious. In addition, when taking Vacoflox L you may experience side effects. Be careful to monitor, detect and notify your doctor early to get accurate advice and ensure safety when taking the drug.

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