Uses of Vacocerin

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Vacocerin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, indicated for cases where pain and fever are needed. To learn more about the drug Vacocerin, please read along through the following article.

1. What is Vacocerin?

What is Vacocerin? Vacocerin brand-name drug with the main ingredient is Diacerein 50mg, has the effect of treating gout and diseases related to bones and joints, produced by Vacopharm Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company.
Pharmaceutical name: Vacocerin. Category: Drugs. Group of drugs: Antipyretic analgesics, drugs to treat gout and diseases related to bones and joints, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ingredients: Diacerein 50mg. Dosage form: Hard capsule. Packing: Packed in boxes of 200 tablets, 500 tablets, 1000 tablets or boxes of 3 blisters, 5 blisters, 10 blisters, 50 blisters, 100 blisters x 10 tablets or bottles of 100 tablets, 200 tablets, 500 tablets.

2. Uses of Vacocerin

According to the results of in-vitro and in-vivo studies, it has been shown that Diacerein and Rhein - its active metabolites have the ability to inhibit the production and activity of Interleukin-1, the substance proinflammatory and pro-catabolic, in both deep and superficial layers of cartilage in the synovial and synovial fluid. It also stimulates the production of transforming growth factor (TGF-b) and components of the extracellular matrix such as hyaluronic acid, aggrecan, proteoglycan and type II colloid.
Besides, these substances also inhibit phagocytosis as well as the migration of macrophages. The results of several studies in several animal models of osteoarthritis showed that Diacerein resulted in a constant decrease in cartilage degeneration compared with the untreated group.
In addition, a clinical study showed significant pain relief and significant improvement in joint function when compared with placebo after 1 month of treatment with Diacerein. In other studies, the beneficial effects of diacerein treatment persisted for at least 2 months after treatment was discontinued. Because of the above effects, Vacocerin is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of diseases related to bones and joints.

3. Dosage and how to use Vacocerin

3.1. Dosage Dosage and time to take the drug for each specific case are as follows:
Usual dose: Use 1 tablet each time, take 2 times a day with 2 main meals for a long time. Patients should start treatment with a dose of 1 tablet / day for the first 2 weeks, because Diacerein can increase the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines in the first 2 weeks, after which the dose can be increased to 2 tablets / day. Beneficial effects are observed after about 2 - 4 weeks of treatment, so patients should not stop treatment before the effect of the drug is evident. Because of the slow initial effect (after 2-4 weeks of treatment) and good tolerability from the gastrointestinal tract, Diacerein can be combined with an analgesic or an anti-inflammatory drug in the first 2-4 weeks of treatment. . 3.2. It is recommended to take the tablet whole with meals with a full glass of water. Do not crush or chew the tablet.
3.3. Treatment of overdose, missed dose of Vacocerin Overdose: In case of overdose or emergency, dangerous manifestations appear, the patient should quickly contact a doctor or 115 Emergency Center for instructions. instructions for safe and timely handling.
Missed dose: If a dose is missed during the course of using the drug, the patient should take the supplement as soon as possible (can be taken 1-2 hours apart from the time prescribed by the doctor).

4. Notes when using Vacocerin

4.1. Contraindications Vacocerin is contraindicated in the following specific cases:
Patients with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to Diacerein and its active ingredients and excipients. Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to anthraquinone derivatives. 4.2. Side effects The most common undesirable side effects when patients are treated with Diacerein is a rapid increase in the time it takes food to pass through the intestines and cause abdominal pain. The above symptoms may occur in the first days of treatment, and encountered in most cases, they will gradually subside and disappear in the following time. In addition, treatment with Diacerein can cause urine to appear darker yellow.
It can be seen that the side effects that occur during the use of the drug are not too dangerous. However, patients still need to monitor their health status, body manifestations, if there are any abnormal symptoms, they should notify the doctor immediately.
4.3. Notes and Precautions Diacerein should not be prescribed to children under 15 years of age, because to date there are no clinical studies of the drug for this age group. Diacerein should not be used in combination with laxatives. Diacerein can also interact with other drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid concomitant use with aluminum oxide or hydroxide, magnesium, calcium or salt-containing drugs. Because they can reduce the absorption of Diacerein, in cases where the two drugs must be taken together, patients should use them at different times (at least 2 hours after taking Diacerein). In the process of using the drug, should abstain from alcohol, tobacco, stimulants... because they contain other active ingredients, potentially causing antagonism or synergism with the drug. Diacerein should not be used by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. This is because it has been reported that small amounts of diacerein derivatives enter the mother's milk ducts and pose a risk to the infant. Above is information about the uses of Vacocerin as well as its ingredients, dosage, usage and important notes. Patients should carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor, pharmacist before using to ensure safety and achieve the highest efficiency.
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