Uses of the drug Vatalizel

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Vatalizel 20 is a cardiovascular drug, a group of prescription drugs, the main ingredient is Trimetazidine, drug content 20mg, film-coated tablet dosage form, packed in box of 60 tablets in 2 blisters. The drug has the effect of preventing angina, treating dizziness, tinnitus and used in ophthalmology when there is damage to the retina. So what is the use of Vatalizel 20, how to use it most effectively?

1. What is Vatalizel?

Vatalizel 20 contains 20mg of the main drug Trimetazidine (prepared in the form of Trimetazidin dihydrochloride) and excipients, film-coated tablets, effective in the treatment of a number of cardiovascular diseases. This is a pharmaceutical product of the manufacturer NIC Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Trading Co., Ltd., Vietnam.
Trimetazidine drug has an anti-anginal, anti-ischemic effect, the only group of new compounds that have anti-ischemic effects but do not cause any hemodynamic changes, helping to improve anemia. local blood in the myocardium. Vatalizel is effective in the treatment of angina by its direct protective action on the myocardium, thereby avoiding side effects such as left ventricular insufficiency or excessive peripheral vasodilation and other disadvantages when used. pain relievers. Trimetazidine helps stabilize the energy of cells in the state of systemic hypoxia or ischemia. The drug suppresses the electrophysiological manifestations of ischemia, reduces intracellular acidosis. Trimetazidine protects cells against hypoxia by reducing the toxicity of oxidative free radicals caused by cellular ischemia. After oral administration, the drug Vatalizel enters the body and is rapidly absorbed, peaking in plasma is reached about 2 hours after oral administration. The absolute bioavailability of the drug Vatalizel is more than 85%. The maximum blood concentration is about 85 ng/ml following a single oral dose of 40 mg trimetazidine. The drug has an apparent volume of distribution of 4.8 l/kg, with a low plasma protein binding rate of only about 21%. Vatalizel is eliminated primarily in the urine with a mean half-life of approximately 5.5 hours.

2. Indications and contraindications for taking Vatalizel 20

The drug Vatalizel 20 is used in the following diseases:
Cardiology: Medicine for prevention of angina pectoris. Ophthalmology: The patient has damage to the blood vessels in the retina. Otolaryngology: Vasomotor vertigo, tinnitus, Ménière's syndrome. Do not use Vatalizel in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity or allergy to Trimetazidine or excipients in the drug. Patients with heart failure or heart failure.

3. How to use, dose of Vatalizel 20

How to use: The drug Vatalizel 20 is taken orally, the patient needs to take the drug at the beginning of the main meals.
Dosage: Vatalizel is used according to the dose prescribed by the doctor or the patient can refer to the following oral dose:
Coronary heart disease, angina pectoris: Oral dose 20mg / time, 3 times a day evenly distributed throughout the day. Dosage can be reduced to 20mg / time, 2 times a day. In ophthalmology and ear specialist: Oral dose of 40mg to 60mg, divided into 2 to 3 times. 4. The unwanted effects of the drug Vatalizel 20 During the use of the drug Vatalizel, patients may experience unwanted side effects but are usually mild, non-specific. The most common undesirable effects are digestive system disorders with signs: Unpleasant feeling in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, neurological disorders, systemic signs such as headache and dizziness .
When a patient is using Vatalizel 20 and encounters the above undesirable effects or shows any unusual signs, it is necessary to notify the doctor for advice on the use of the drug.

5. Notes when using the drug Vatalizel

Notes that patients need to pay attention to when taking Vatalizel include:
This is a prescription drug, requiring a doctor's prescription, patients should not use it themselves. Currently, no adverse interactions between Vatalizel 20 and other drugs have been recorded in clinical practice. However, to ensure the safest and most effective drug use in treatment, patients should inform their doctor of all medications they are using, do not arbitrarily quit or change the dose without consent. opinion of the treating physician. Vatalizel should be used with caution in the elderly or people with kidney or liver failure. It is necessary to have a doctor's prescription and instructions for these subjects. Pregnancy or breast-feeding: There are currently no clinical studies on the safety of Vatalizel 20 in pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, it is not recommended to use cardiovascular drug Vatalizel for pregnant and lactating women. People participating in traffic, driving vehicles, operating machinery should be careful when taking drugs. The above is information about the use of Vatalizel 20. Patients need to use the drug according to the treatment regimen of the treating doctor, should not arbitrarily use the drug without indication. If you have any questions about Vatalizel, please consult your pharmacist/doctor.
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