What is Lisonorm?

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Lisonorm is a new fixed-dose combination tablet containing 10mg of Lisinopril (an ACE inhibitor) and 5mg of Amlodipine (a calcium antagonist), indicated for patients with hypertension. The advantage of Lisonorm 5mg drug will be that it will help to control blood pressure adequately with Lisinopril and Amlodipine taken at the same dose level simultaneously, and at the same time increase the patient's ability to comply.

1. What is Lisonorm?

Lisonorm is a combination product of Amlodipine, a calcium channel blocker, and Lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor. Lisonorm is used to treat high blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and reducing the force needed to maintain blood flow from the heart. Although a person may not have any symptoms when blood pressure is too high, the condition can increase the risk of some dangerous cardiovascular events, such as stroke or heart attack. , if not taking antihypertensive drugs regularly.
Lisonorm is also used to treat persistent chest pain called stable angina. Medicines help control chest pain by increasing the blood supply to the heart. Furthermore, Lisonorm is also used to reduce the impact of damage in the heart's blood vessels on coronary artery disease.
Lisonorm 5mg combination tablets provide optimal blood pressure control within a previously determined appropriate dose level. At the same time, in the new guidelines for the treatment of hypertension, multi-group combination drugs in general and Lisonorm 5mg in particular will increase compliance in patients, especially those who are elderly or not. someone to take care of.

2. Things to note before using Lisonorm

Do not use Lisonorm in the presence of one of the following conditions:
Allergy (hypersensitivity) to the active substances or to any of the other ingredients of Lisonorm Allergy to other ACE inhibitors (such as Enalapril, Captopril and Lisonorm). Ramipril) or another calcium channel blocker (such as Nifedipine, Felodipine, or Nimodipine) History of angioedema (symptoms such as itching, rash, wheezing, swelling of the throat, mouth, or eyelids) High blood pressure low blood pressure (severe hypotension) aortic stenosis (coarctation of the aorta), heart valves (mitral stenosis), increased thickness of the myocardium (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy), or cardiogenic shock (insufficient blood supply) blood supply to other organs) Unstable angina (except Prinzmetal's angina) Heart attack (myocardial infarction) within the last 28 days Women of childbearing age Women who are breastfeeding Accordingly, patients should inform their doctor before taking Lisonorm in the following cases:
People with heart, kidney, liver problems People on dialysis People over 65 years old People on a low-salt diet and using substances salt supplements or substitutes that contain potassium People with diarrhea or vomiting People who are taking any other cardiovascular medications

3. How to use Lisonorm

Always take Lisonorm exactly as your doctor has prescribed. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if the information is uncertain.
The usual dosage is one Lisonorm 5mg tablet per day. Should choose a fixed time of day to take the medicine regularly, to avoid forgetting the medicine.
If you accidentally take more Lisonorm than necessary, contact your doctor immediately or go to the emergency department of the nearest hospital. Overdose can lead to very low blood pressure, so the patient should be closely monitored, and if characteristic symptoms such as dizziness and headache occur, the patient should lie down, avoid walking because it is easy to fall down.
In case of forgetting to take Lisonorm, do not take a double dose to make up for a missed tablet. Instead, take your next dose at your usual time of day.

4. Possible side effects when taking Lisonorm

Like all medicines, Lisonorm can cause certain side effects, although not everyone gets them.
Common side effects of Lisonorm in a clinical trial were headache, cough, dizziness, palpitations and itchy skin.
Allergic reactions (hypersensitivity) can also occur with the use of Lisonorm. Therefore, the patient must stop taking Lisonorm and seek immediate medical attention if any of the following symptoms suggestive of angioedema:
Difficulty breathing Swelling of the face, lips, tongue and/or throat. Severe skin itching In addition, other adverse events that have been reported with Amlodipine or Lisinopril monotherapy are as follows:
Amlodipine: Headache, ankle swelling, fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, palpitations chest, flushed. Lisinopril: Headache, dizziness or lightheadedness, especially when standing up quickly, diarrhea, cough, vomiting, decreased urine output. In summary, Lisonorm 5mg is used to treat high blood pressure and angina attacks. This is a prescription drug and similar to other cardiovascular drugs, patients need to know how to monitor their blood pressure at home and have regular check-ups. Knowing what Lisonorm is, how to use it as well as possible side effects when taking the drug, patients need to detect it early and report it for timely adjustment.
References: .ema.europa.eu, tabletwise.net, gmedication.com, ndrugs.com

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