Uses of Sumtavis

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Sumtavis is a medicine used in the treatment of peptic ulcers. The drug has the main ingredient Famotidine, which is prepared in the form of a powder for oral suspension. Refer to some information about Sumtavis in the article below that will help you know how to use the drug appropriately.

1. What is Sumtavis?

Sumtavis is a powder for oral administration, used by mixing with water. Sumtavis is classified as a gastrointestinal drug, with the main ingredient being Famotidine. Sumtavis is mainly indicated in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, namely peptic ulcer, increased secretion in Zollinger - Ellison syndrome, esophagitis.
Dosage form: Powder for suspension.
Ingredients 1 pack: Famotidine 40mg.

2. Uses of the drug Sumtavis

As mentioned above, the drug Sumtavis with the main ingredient is Famotidine has the effect of treating ulcers in the stomach, duodenum, reflux esophagitis, increased secretion in Zollinger - Ellison. Famotidine is a substance that reduces gastric secretion by stimulating or reducing basic gastric secretion by antagonizing histamine at H2 receptors, this antagonism takes place in the parietal cells in the gastric mucosa. . Specifically, Sumtavis containing Famotidine will compete with Histamine at the H2 receptor in the parietal cells in the stomach, thereby reducing the volume of secretion and reducing the acid concentration in the stomach. Sumtavis works well in night and day conditions, even when stimulated by food, histamine or pentagastrin.
Sumtavis reduces the amount of acid in the stomach, and can protect the stomach lining from irritation by some drugs such as aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Pharmacokinetics of the drug Sumtavis

Sumtavis is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, has little first-pass metabolism and bioavailability is about 40-50%. Food may slightly increase the bioavailability of the drug and acid will reduce the bioavailability of Sumtavis to a part, but generally not significantly. Peak plasma concentrations are reached 1-4 hours after a single dose.
Regarding the effect of inhibiting acid secretion in the stomach, Sumtavis has an effect immediately after 1 hour of taking the drug, with a dose of Sumtavis from 20-40mg, the time to inhibit gastric acid secretion from 10-12 hours.
About the time of elimination, Sumtavis is mainly eliminated by glomerular filtration and excretion is concentrated in the renal tubules. Approximately 25-30% of an oral dose is excreted unchanged in the urine within 24 hours.

4. Indications for taking Sumtavis

Sumtavis is indicated in the treatment of the following conditions:
Active duodenal ulcer. Maintenance therapy in duodenal ulcer disease. Active gastric ulcer heals. Treatment of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease. Pathologies of increased secretion in the gastrointestinal tract such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (proton pump inhibitors are more effective), multiple endocrine neoplasia. Relieves unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, heartburn, increased acid secretion.

5. Contraindications to taking Sumtavis

Sumtavis drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to any ingredient of Sumtavis drug There are no studies on the use of Sumtavis in children, pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, avoid using Sumtavis for these subjects

6. Dosage and how to take Sumtavis

Sumtavis medicine used in the treatment of peptic ulcer, has the following dosage.
Adults with duodenal ulcer: 40mg/day or 20mg/day, taken twice a day, dose for 4 weeks, if the condition is severe Can be used for 6-8 weeks. Maintenance dose: 20mg at bedtime. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: 20mg/every 6h, if severe condition can increase to 160mg/every 6h. Treatment of gastric ulcers: 40mg/day at bedtime, maintain dose for 4-8 weeks. Patients with renal failure: Reduce dose by 20mg/day.

7. Sumtavis . drug side effects

Rare side effects of Sumtavis reported in patients are headache, fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, arrhythmia, anorexia, nausea. Extremely rare side effects are hypovolemia, myalgia, arthralgia, transient psychosis, alopecia, altered taste.

8. Notes when using Sumtavis

Sumtavis has not been studied in children and pregnant and lactating mothers, so it should be avoided in these subjects. Malignant ulceration must be excluded before treatment with Sumtavis. Sumtavis is a drug used in the treatment of common gastric and duodenal ulcers today. The drug is easily administered orally thanks to its packaging in the form of a powder for suspension. To use Sumtavis effectively, patients need to follow the doctor's orders and store the medicine properly.

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