Uses of Sucramed

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Sucramed is effective in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The use of drugs for any type of patient requires a prescription from a doctor or pharmacist. So what does Sucramed do and how should it be used?

1. Ingredients of Sucramed

Sucramed medicine is prepared in powder form with ingredients including:
Sucralfat 1000mg. Other excipients are enough for 1 pack. The ingredient Sucralfate in Sucramed is known to be a complex form of aluminum salts and disaccharides sulfate. When the drug enters the body, it forms a complex with substances from the exudate that adheres to the ulcer such as albumin, fibrinogen. Thereby forming a barrier covering the ulcer, preventing the impact of acid, pepsin and bile on the ulcer.
When combining Sucralfate with excipients, the drug is effective in the treatment of diseases such as:
Chronic gastritis. Benign gastric and duodenal ulcer. Gastroesophageal reflux. Prophylaxis of recurrent peptic ulcer disease.

2. Dosage of Sucramed

Sucramed is prepared in the form of packaged powder, the drug should be taken directly with water when the body is hungry. The recommended drug dosage is as follows:
Adults: 1 pack/time x 2 times/day. Use the drug continuously and prolong until the ulcer is completely healed, usually 1 course of treatment ranges from 4-8 weeks depending on the disease condition and response of each patient. Prevention of ulcer recurrence: 1 sachet/day in the evening. Lasts 3 months, not more than 6 months. For severe cases, the dose can be increased up to 4 sachets/day, up to a maximum of 8 packs/day. When taking the drug, the patient should try to follow the correct dosing rules to achieve the highest efficiency in the treatment. cure.

3. Possible side effects when taking Sucramed

Side effects usually only occur when the patient overdoses, prolongs the time of taking the drug. In the case of using the drug as prescribed by a specialist, side effects are very rare.
Some side effects may be encountered such as: constipation, dry mouth, itchy rash, dizziness and insomnia.... These side effects are usually quite mild as well as can subside, disappear after a while. time. Therefore, patients should not be too worried but should continue to take the drug as prescribed to achieve good treatment results.
In case the above side effects persist for a long time, affecting health and daily activities, the patient should be examined for timely intervention.

4. Contraindications when taking Sucramed

According to the advice, users should not use the drug in the following cases:
People who are allergic to one of the ingredients of the drug People with severe kidney failure. Sucramed is not recommended for pregnant women, pregnant women and children under 18 years of age. Because the drug can cause negative effects for both the fetus, the baby and the health of the mother. Contraindicated subjects should not use the drug to avoid causing negative health effects.

5. What to do in case of missed dose and overdose of Sucramed?

In case of a missed dose, the patient should take it as soon as he remembers. If it is almost time to take the next dose, the user should skip the missed dose.
Overdose: The drug is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, so overdose is rare. A few cases have been reported with symptoms as side effects: Indigestion, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
Should minimize forgetting and overdose, because this will affect the treatment process, make the treatment time longer and reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
Besides, patients also need to pay more attention. Sucramed has an effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so during the course of taking the drug should avoid the use of alcohol, alcoholic beverages, hot spicy foods ... this will affect the treatment process as well as the effects. action is not good for health.
Once you know the use of Sucramed as well as how to use it, the patient's dose should be considered and used according to the doctor's prescription. If you have any further questions, you can discuss further for appropriate advice.

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