Uses of Sifachymo

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Sifachymo is used by injection to treat inflammation or swelling after surgery or trauma. Before and during treatment with Sifachymo, patients should strictly follow their doctor's recommendations about the dose and duration of use of the drug to minimize the risk of adverse effects.

1. What is Sifachymo?

Sifachymo is an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous yeast drug, prepared in the form of lyophilized powder for injection and packaged in a box of 5 powder vials and 5 solvent ampoules. Currently, Sifachymo is researched, developed and manufactured by Zhejiang Ruixin Pharm Co., Ltd – China.
The main active ingredient in each vial of Sifachymo powder for injection is Chymotrypsine 500IU. In addition, the manufacturer also adds a number of other auxiliary excipients to improve the anti-edema effect of the drug.
2. What is Sifachymo drug effect? 2.1. Uses of the main active ingredient Chymotrypsine Chymotrypsine acts as a proteolytic enzyme extracted from bovine pancreas, capable of assisting surgery. Chymotrypsine's main mechanism of action is to selectively catalyze peptide bonds adjacent to aromatic amino acids. On the other hand, Chymotrypsine is also commonly used in ophthalmology to destroy the vitreous suspensory ligament, thereby helping to easily eliminate the opacities in the capsule and significantly reduce the pressure that causes eye trauma.
Here are some outstanding effects of the active ingredient Chymotrypsine:
Helps to quickly reduce the symptoms of edema or inflammation in the body's organs, and at the same time, helps to reduce the secretion process on the respiratory tract. Helps reduce the risk of eye infection and injury, used during and after cataract surgery. Use Chymotrypsine in cases of edema, inflammation or hematoma due to arthritis, trauma, rhinitis, mastitis or testicles,... Used in the treatment of ulcers, abscesses and reducing rapid swelling and redness after trauma surgery. 2.2. Indications and contraindications of Sifachymo drug Currently, Sifachymo drug is used by doctor's prescription to treat the following conditions:
Treatment of swelling or edema after injury or surgery. Support to prevent infection and eye injury for people performing cataract surgery. Treatment of inflammation or edema caused by orchitis, arthritis, mastitis. Treatment of abscesses or ulcers after trauma. However, the use of Sifachymo drug is contraindicated in the following patients without the consent of the doctor:
Patients at high risk of allergy or have had a hypersensitivity reaction to the active ingredient Chymotrypsine or any other drug. any excipients contained in the drug. Sifachymo is contraindicated in people who have a history of or are suffering from blood diseases, such as blood clotting disorders or frequent nosebleeds. Relatively contraindicated for pregnant women or nursing mothers.

3. How to use Sifachymo safely and effectively

Sifachymo drug is prepared in the form of lyophilized powder for injection, so before use, it is necessary to reconstitute the entire drug in the vial along with the solvent tubes attached to the medicine box to create a complete solution for injection. After reconstituting the solution, it should be injected immediately, avoid leaving it in the air for too long. If after reconstitution, Sifachymo solution shows signs of precipitation or cloudiness, it should be avoided.
In addition, prolonged exposure of Sifachymo solution for injection should be avoided as this may damage the enzyme. In addition, autoclaving of lyophilized chymotrypsine or reconstituted solutions should be avoided. The solution should be injected into a syringe that does not contain disinfectants or alcohol because they can inactivate the enzyme in the medicine. Sifachymo is usually administered intramuscularly at a dose of about 500 IU 1-3 times / day to treat edema cases after surgery, trauma and to help dilute secretions in the upper respiratory tract. During treatment with Sifachymo, patients need to strictly follow all instructions of the doctor. Avoid injecting yourself or adjusting your dose without talking to your doctor.

4. What side effects does Sifachymo cause to users?

Under certain circumstances, patients treated with edema and inflammation with Sifachymo may experience the following undesirable reactions:
Headache, nausea, vomiting or dizziness. A drug allergy causes hives, itching, or a red rash on the skin. Increases intraocular pressure with destruction of ligamentous debris that obstructs the ligamentous network. This causes the person to experience symptoms such as live tears, blurred vision, or eye pain. Abnormal coagulopathy or epistaxis in patients with a history of blood diseases. If any of the reactions listed above occur while taking Sifachymo, the patient should stop treatment and notify the doctor as soon as possible so that they can be resolved. Some side effects, if treated late, have the risk of serious progression and other unfortunate health consequences for patients.
5. Some important notes when treating with Sifachymo In order to ensure safety and achieve optimal treatment effect during the period of taking Sifachymo antibiotic, patients need to be careful with the following notes:
Sifachymo is not recommended for patients under 20 years of age undergoing cataract surgery because of the risk of vitreous loss. Sifachymo should not be used for people with open wounds, conditions with increased vitreous pressure or congenital cataracts. Before taking Sifachymo, patients should inform their doctor about their allergies to the ingredients in the medicine. Avoid increasing/decreasing your dose or stopping halfway while taking Sifachymo because this can lead to stomach upset side effects. After injecting Sifachymo need to rest for 15 minutes, avoid heavy activity or drive right away because the drug can cause drowsiness. If you overdose on Sifachymo and experience adverse symptoms, the patient should notify the doctor to find a remedy. Do not arbitrarily combine Sifachymo with other medicines without consulting with your doctor, including oral tablets, herbal products or vitamins. Carefully check the shelf life and quality of Sifachymo lyophilized powder before mixing. If the medication is past its expiration date or shows signs of mold, color change, or watery discharge, discard it as directed by your doctor. Store Sifachymo in the original manufacturer's packaging when not in use. Store the drug in a dry place, away from direct light or a place with low humidity that is detrimental to the active ingredients of the drug. Above is all information about Sifachymo drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Sifachymo is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.
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