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Articles in Cataract

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Find out information about maxitrol eye ointment
Maxitrol eye ointment is popularly used to treat inflammation in the eyes, anti-itch, anti-inflammatory with antibacterial effect. This is a combination of two antibiotics, neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B sulfate, with dexamethasone. There are many notes when using maxitrol eye ointment that we need to know.
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Luxturna drug: Uses, indications and notes when using
Luxturna is used to treat retinal dystrophy associated with the biellelic RPE65 mutation. The main ingredient of Luxturna is Voretigene neparvovec-rzyl made from a certain virus that has been specially prepared. This treatment is called gene therapy.
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Xelpros eye drops: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Xelpros is a medicine that lowers the pressure in the eye, which helps to treat certain eye conditions such as open-angle glaucoma, ocular hypertension. So how should Xelpros be used effectively?
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Note when using eye tonic
Eye tonic is quite familiar to many people, especially those who work in offices or students or those who work often with computers, phones... Using eye tonics is really effective. results for the user or not. This article will provide information as well as notes on the use of eye tonics.
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What do Acular eye drops do?
Acular eye drops are used to relieve itching in people with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the active ingredient Ketorolaco. In addition, Acular is also used to prevent inflammation in patients after eye surgery.
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Learn about Sankle . eye drops
Sankle eye drops contain mainly Hypromellose and Chondroitin sulfate ingredients that act like artificial tears. Accordingly, using Sankle to relieve dry and sore eyes, especially in cases of dry eyes due to reducing the amount of tears, helps users feel more comfortable.
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What is Taurine solopharm 4?
Taurine solopharm is an eye drop containing the amino acid Taurine. The drug is used to support the treatment of keratitis, corneal injury and prevent dry eyes, eye fatigue caused by dust or using phones and computers.
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Uses of Tanametrol
Tanametrol has the main active ingredient Methylprednisolone, a corticosteroid used in the treatment of many diseases. The article will provide some information about the most effective and safe uses and doses of Tanametrol.
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Uses of Alcaine
Alcaine 0.5 is a local anesthetic eye drops, used before performing eye procedures such as removing foreign bodies, suturing wounds, measuring intraocular pressure,... The drug may have some potential effects. Therefore, during use, the patient should strictly follow the instructions of the doctor to minimize this risk.
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What is Ocuvite?
Ocuvite medicine brings many benefits to people with eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts, retinitis pigmentosa. In addition, this drug is also used to prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease because it contains a lot of Beta-carotene and Vitamin A.
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What does Regatonic do?
Regatonic is an eye tonic containing vitamins and nutrients, helping to treat eye diseases such as myopia, night blindness, visual impairment, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy...
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics