Uses of Sciomir

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Sciomir is indicated for the use of muscle relaxants in the treatment of degenerative spondylosis and spinal postural disorders such as low back pain, back pain, neck scoliosis, rehabilitation therapy and physical therapy, muscle spasms after injury and neurological disorders... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using Sciomir through the article below.

1. Uses of Sciomir

“What is Sciomir?”. Sciomir medicine contains the active ingredient Thiocolchicoside, which is prepared in the form of a solution for injection. Each 2ml ampoule contains 2mg of Thiocolchicoside.
Active ingredient Thiocolchocoside is a semi-synthetic compound of a natural glycoside extracted from the Colchico tree. Thiocolchocoside has a muscle relaxant effect without the toxic resin effect, selectively acting on nergic and glycinergic GABA receptors. The drug does not change active movements, does not interfere with the respiratory muscles, has no effect on the cardiovascular system.
Sciomir is indicated in the following cases:
Patients with spastic hemiplegia; Patients with acute or chronic lumbar - hip, neck - arm neuralgia; Parkinson's disease patients; Drug-induced Parkinson's fibrillation syndrome, especially in patients with a movement disorder syndrome; Patients with prolonged stiff neck; Patients with pain after surgery or pain from trauma.

2. Dosage of Sciomir

Sciomir belongs to the group of prescription drugs, the dose of which is prescribed by the doctor based on the patient's condition. The recommended dose of Sciomir is as follows:
Adults take a starting dose of 4mg/day; For acute illness and chronic attack, the dose can be increased by 1⁄2 every 2 days until the dose is doubled, in special cases it can be 3 times the starting dose; Long-term treatment should be reduced to 2mg/day. Note, Sciomir is prepared for intramuscular injection, so its use should be carried out and supervised by medical staff. The patient absolutely does not self-medicate.

3. Undesirable effects of the drug Sciomir

Sciomir medicine can cause some side effects as follows:
Low blood pressure; Nervous agitation, irritability, temporary obsessional sensations; Skin rashes are rare. Patients should inform their doctor about symptoms of side effects during treatment with Sciomir.

4. Notes when using Sciomir

4.1. Contraindications Contraindicated to use Sciomir in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to Thiocolchicoside or any component of the drug; Pregnant women; Women who are breastfeeding; Patients with cerebral palsy, decreased muscle tone. 4.2. Use with caution In pregnant women, lactating women: Animal studies with doses 10 times higher than the therapeutic dose have shown that Thiocolchicoside is not teratogenic. However, there are no adequate studies on the safety and efficacy of Sciomir treatment in pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, it is not recommended to use Sciomir in these subjects. Patients drive, operate machines: Sciomir rarely causes drowsiness, however, patients should also be careful when driving or operating machinery while taking this medicine. Store Sciomir at room temperature, away from sunlight and high humidity.

5. Drug interactions

There are currently no reports of interactions between Sciomir and concomitant medications. However, drug interactions can increase the risk of having an effect and reducing the therapeutic effect of Sciomir, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treating patients, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the drugs. Food you are using before taking Sciomir. Sciomir is indicated with muscle relaxants in the treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis and spinal postural disorders such as low back pain, back pain, scoliosis, rehabilitation therapy and physical therapy, muscle spasms after trauma and neurological disorders... To ensure effective treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of a doctor, professional pharmacist.
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