Should you take pain relievers for spine pain?

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Spina bifida can cause a lot of pain that is extremely uncomfortable, turning daily life upside down. In this case, should you use spinal pain relievers and are there other treatments for spina bifida?

1. Issues surrounding spina bifida

Spina bifida occurs when the bones in the vertebrae grow spines. These spines in Modern Medicine are explained as the protruding bone at the joints, short in length. The formation of bone spurs is a natural law. However, when bone spurs exist for a long time, they will develop and cause many dangerous diseases, even they can affect the spinal cord, nerve roots and countless other great consequences.

2. What symptoms does the patient have to face when suffering from spondylolisthesis?

When suffering from spondylolisthesis, patients can easily detect through 5 distinct symptoms:
Neck and low back pain: when spine is affected, the cartilage at the disc will be impaired, thereby creating conditions for the vertebrae to friction, causing wear and damage in these joints, leading to pain, especially when moving. No sensation at the vertebrae: patients may experience back fatigue, intermittent pain when having spine spines, but there are also cases of complete loss of sensation at this location. Unable to keep balance: Spina bifida causes persistent and constant pain, thus hindering the patient's activities. Over time, patients are also less active, leading to poor blood circulation and severe pain, imbalance when moving, easy to fall. Urinary and defecation incontinence: When the spine becomes severe, basic activities such as urination or defecation are difficult to control. Muscle weakness: this is a fairly typical symptom of spina bifida, the patient has a feeling of numbness in the extremities, muscle activity and muscle activity are also weaker, making movement, grip .. Simplicity also becomes difficult.

Thuốc giảm đau gai cột sống có thể giúp người bệnh cải thiện một số triệu chứng đau
Thuốc giảm đau gai cột sống có thể giúp người bệnh cải thiện một số triệu chứng đau

3. What causes spina bifida?

According to statistics, there are 4 main causes of spondylolisthesis, including:
Spondylolisthesis: the most common cause of spondylolisthesis. This disease causes changes in the spine as well as the organization around the discs, creating a risk of the formation and growth of spines. Calcium deposition: If the spinal disc is flattened, it will cause the ligaments to relax. Therefore, the body will react by depositing calcium here to help thicken the ligaments, ensuring a stable spine. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis can stimulate bone formation. This makes the bone density thicker, easier to form bone spurs. Injuries related to the spine: after an injury, the body will compensate for the lost bone. This condition can produce bone spurs.

4. Should I use medicine to treat spine spurs?

Currently, on the market there are many types of spine pain relievers. However, not this drug also brings positive results in the treatment of disease. The use of the drug depends on the condition of the disease as well as the indications - specific instructions from the doctor.
In it, there are a number of drugs to treat spine spurs that are recommended by many health professionals.
4.1 Davinci Disis Discovery This is one of a group of very trusted spinal drugs originating from the United States. The composition of the drug includes many medicinal herbs that play an important role in the treatment of bone and joint diseases such as pepsin, bison tracheal cartilage... Therefore, spine medicine Davinci Disis Discovery is often prescribed by doctors for bone disease. joints in general and spondylolisthesis in particular.
4.2 Fast Flex Fast Flex is a popular drug for spine spine problems circulating in the US, and also popular in Vietnam, which has been extremely rigorously tested by the US Drug Administration for its effects and effects. safety for spinal stenosis.
The main ingredients of Fast Flex are ginger root, turmeric root, bioperine, MSM... with the effect of reducing pain caused by spine spines and facilitating the synthesis of new cartilage tissue of the body.
4.3 Orihiro Squalene Orihiro Squalene is also a famous spine medicine from Japan. The drug in pill form, whose main ingredient is made from shark fin, is effective for spina bifida and many other bone and joint problems.
4.4 Chondroitin ZS Chondroitin ZS is a spinal pain reliever from Japan, provided by the famous pharmaceutical brand Zeria Pharmaceutical. The drug consists of the main ingredients are fish cartilage, thyroid, essential nutrients for bone health such as Magnesium stearate, Sodium saccharin, Chondroitin Sulfate... life, while preventing the risk of many other bone and joint problems.

Chondroitin ZS là một trong các loại thuốc chữa gai cột sống
Chondroitin ZS là một trong các loại thuốc chữa gai cột sống

4.5 Glucosamine Spinal stimulant Glucosamine (1000mg type) is the perfect combination of Traditional Medicine and Modern Medicine, bringing many outstanding effects such as:
Treatment of spina bifida Stimulates cell renewal cells, promoting the body's recovery process. Supplement many nutrients such as calcium, collagen ... slow aging. Relieve pain and protect joints, cartilage tissue of the body... 4.6 Medicines to relieve spine pain from Eastern Medicine If you are concerned about the side effects of some drugs to treat spine spurs in Western medicine , you can choose some of the following healthy, safe and cost-effective oriental medicine remedies.
Orangutan seeds Oriental medicine uses orangutan seeds as an effective spine medicine, with the following medicinal ingredients:
Dried orangutan: 5 seeds. Licorice: 2-3 branches. After washing the ingredients, put them in 500ml of water and stew for about 2 hours. After that, drink this medicinal water instead of water every day.
Use cactus as medicine for spine spines Take 2 branches of prickly cactus, then peel off the outer skin, wash with salt water and chop finely. After having the chopped cactus, keep it on the stove until the cactus is golden, then sharpen with 200ml of water until it is half.
Drink this medicinal water directly 2-3 times per day.
In short, whether or not to use spine medicine depends much on the patient's condition as well as the health of the patient. Some herbal remedies for spine problems in Eastern Medicine also have many effects with high safety, but the effect is slower than Western medicine.

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