Uses of Relenza

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Besides Covid 19, the current influenza A epidemic is very complicated, especially on children. There are many drugs used to treat influenza A including Relenza. So what is Relenza? Used in what cases and what should be noted when using the drug?

1. What is relenza drug?

Relenza is a medicine used to treat influenza A and influenza B, both for adults and children over 5 years of age. Relenza is on the list of prescription drugs. The main ingredient of Relenza contains Zanamivir 5mg with other excipients. Zanamivir is a potent and selective inhibitor of Neuraminidase (an enzyme present on the surface of influenza viruses that helps release and accelerate influenza infection from cell to cell). Thereby reducing the replication of influenza virus, effectively preventing the development and spread of influenza.

2. Uses of Relenza

The active ingredient Zanamivir in Relenza works to help prevent the growth of the flu virus, and at the same time relieve symptoms such as: stuffy nose, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, cough, fever, headache and fatigue. ..
The drug is not only effective in treatment but also used to prevent disease before the outbreak in the community.
Indications for use of Relenza in the following cases:
Treatment of cases of influenza A and influenza B infections in adults and children over 5 years of age with typical symptoms circulating in the community. Influenza prophylaxis in persons exposed to influenza A and influenza B viruses following contact with a patient with a confirmed influenza diagnosis. In some special cases, Relenza is indicated in the prophylaxis of seasonal outbreaks of influenza A and influenza B. Contraindicated in:
People with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients part of the drug. The patient is allergic to milk proteins. Children under 5 years old should not take the drug.

3. Dosage and how to use Relenza

Relenza is produced in the form of inhalation powder, packaged in boxes, each box contains 5 discs of medicine to be administered in 4 single doses. In addition, in the box there is an additional device to use to inhale powdered medicine.
Treatment of flu: The Ministry of Health recommends that adults and children over 5 years old: inhale 2 single doses of Relenza, equivalent to 10mg of Zanamivir, twice a day. That is, taking 4 single doses a day equivalent to 20mg of Zanamivir, inhaled like that for 5 days, the symptoms will be better. Post-exposure influenza prevention: Inhalation 2 single doses/time equivalent to 10mg Zanamivir, once daily for 10 consecutive days. Prevention of influenza outbreaks in the community: Inhalation 2 single doses/time/day equivalent to 10mg Zanamivir. Take the drug for up to 28 days. In elderly patients, with hepatic or renal impairment, the same dose should be used; no dose reduction is required.

4. Side effects of the drug Relenza and notes when using

Possible side effects when taking Relenza include:
Because the drug is inhaled, some patients may experience more cough when using it. The drug can cause shortness of breath, wheezing, and bronchospasm. Sometimes abnormal behavior such as confusion, or being agitated leads to self-injury and other people around. These are signs of serious changes in the person's mental and emotional state. Some patients may experience serious allergic reactions such as facial swelling, itching, rash, dizziness and difficulty breathing... To reduce the risk of unwanted effects of the drug, when taking Relenza Note:
Use Relenza exactly as directed and prescribed by your doctor. Do not arbitrarily change the dosage increase or decrease without the consent of a specialist or a person with medical expertise. Relenza should be used as soon as possible, after the first symptom appears, it should be taken within 48 hours for adults, 36 hours for children. For flu prevention, it is necessary to give medicine as soon as possible within 36 hours after contact with the sick person. Maintain regular use of the drug, should be taken at the same time each day, this helps the drug to work at its maximum. The drug is inhaled for treatment by inhalation, when used it needs to be combined with the inhaler device included in the medicine box. Patients do not use orally or for injection, so do not mix the drug with other liquid solvents. Relenza can affect the effectiveness of the flu vaccine, so tell your doctor if you have had a flu shot within 2 weeks before taking it. It is recommended that if influenza vaccination is desired, it should be given at least 2 days after stopping treatment with Relenza. Do not stop Relenza as soon as you feel better, maintain the full dose prescribed by your doctor because stopping the drug early can cause the disease to return prematurely. In patients with asthma and COPD who are being treated with inhaled bronchodilators for whom Relenza is indicated, the bronchodilator should be used first and then Relenza. Relenza should not be used in people who must drive or operate machinery because it causes severe dizziness. Do not use alcohol or stimulants while taking Relenza. Studies have shown that Relenza can cross the placenta without causing teratogenicity. Therefore, it is possible to use Relenza for pregnant women, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking it, weighing the benefits and harms. For women who are breastfeeding, weigh the benefits and harms when using Relenza. If you miss a dose of Relenza, take it as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for the next dose, skip the previous dose, do not take a double dose to make up for the missed dose. In case of drug overdose, monitor the body's abnormal signs, contact a specialist or the nearest medical center for prompt handling instructions. Store Relenza in accordance with the manufacturer's regulations and instructions, do not use the drug after the expiry date. Influenza is spreading rapidly, affecting many patients' health, especially in children. It is very necessary to understand about flu drugs in general, and Relenza in particular to give patients the right medicine at the right time. Please contact a specialist as soon as you have any abnormal signs of the body or flu-like symptoms for advice on treatment as soon as possible, avoiding health effects.

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