Uses of Pettinari

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Pettinari is a psychotropic drug often indicated in the treatment of consciousness disorders caused by brain damage, memory impairment in the elderly. This is a prescription drug that is required by a specialist.

1. What is Pettinari?

What is Pettinari? Pettinari's main ingredient is Citicoline, which stimulates the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine - an enzyme that plays a role in stabilizing and recovering quickly acquired damage on nerve cell membranes, reducing damage to brain tissue when the brain is damaged. injury caused by accident or surgery, enhance neurotransmitter function.
In addition, the component Citicoline reduces the concentration of glutamate in the brain, protecting brain cells against ischemic neurotoxicity.
Pettinari improves the concentration of attention and acts more favorably in amnesia, ischemic-related neuro-cognitive disorders.

2. Indications of the drug Pettinari

Pettinari is indicated for the treatment of the following pathologies:
Support to improve memory in Alzheimer's patients, memory loss, head trauma. Brain damage (due to trauma, surgery, cerebral ischemia) causes loss of consciousness. Memory problems for the elderly, stroke patients. The patient needs to restore movement after a cerebrovascular accident causing hemiplegia. Severe tremor in Parkinson's patients.

3. Contraindications of the drug Pettinari

Pettinari drug should not be used in the following cases
Allergy to Citicoline or any other ingredient of the drug. Patients with severe sympathomimetic (increased muscle tone). Pregnant and lactating women are not contraindicated to use Pettinari.

4. Notes when using the drug Pettinari

There are not enough studies on the effects of the drug on the fetus and child, so pregnant and lactating women need a doctor's prescription when taking Pettinari.

5. Pettinari drug interactions

Pettinari increases the effect of L-Dopa when used in combination. The drugs Meclophenoxate, Centrofenoxine used together with Pettinari will change the bioavailability of the drug, increasing the risk of experiencing side effects. Alcohol, stimulants, alcoholic foods can increase the side effects of Pettinari for the body.

6. Dosage and how to use Pettinari

How to use: Pettinari is made in the form of 500mg oral tablets. Patients use by drinking directly with water, avoid opening the outer shell of the drug.
Consciousness disorders due to brain damage (after head trauma, brain surgery): 1 tablet/time x 1-2 times/day. Supportive treatment to restore movement in patients with hemiplegia after cerebrovascular accident: 2 tablets/time/day. Continuous treatment for 3 to 4 weeks. Parkinson's patients with severe tremor: 1 tablet/time/day. Patients with age-related memory loss: 2-4 tablets/day.

7. Side effects of the drug Pettinari

Some undesirable effects may be encountered when using Pettinari drugs as follows:
Digestive disorders, vomiting, epigastric pain, nausea, diarrhea. Fatigue, headache, agitation. Hypotension, bradycardia or tachycardia. Liver dysfunction. Vision change. Allergic reactions, facial flushing, skin rash. In summary, Pettinari is a psychotropic drug that improves memory and cognitive disorders in patients with brain damage, the elderly with impaired memory function, etc. Patients using the drug must have a prescription and a prescription. prescribed by the doctor when using, do not arbitrarily change the dose or use of the drug.
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