Distinguish between psychotropic and narcotic drugs

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Addictive substances, psychotropic drugs need to be differentiated 2 to get effective treatment and avoid danger to the patient. In any case, the patient should also use the drug prescribed by the doctor.

1. What are narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs?

1.1 What are psychotropic drugs?
Psychotropic drugs are drugs that contain stimulant or inhibitory substances that cause hallucinations. Repeated use of this drug can lead to addiction for the user.
1.2 What is a narcotic?
Currently, there is not any exact definition of a drug because there are many different interpretations according to the provisions of the drug law, text, medicine and in the use of this substance.
Accordingly, an addictive substance is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, can alter the normal functions of the body in such a way as to create the body's dependence on that substance. or increase cravings and addictions to varying degrees.

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Chất gây nghiện gây cảm giác thèm thuồng

2. Effects of psychotropic drugs and narcotics

2.1 Effects of psychotropic drugs
Psychotropic drugs are drugs used to treat mental disorders. This drug changes the lives of people with mental disorders for the better.
2.2 Effects of addictive substances
In pharmacology, a drug is a chemical used in the treatment, cure, prevention, diagnosis of disease or used to enhance physical and mental health for people. if no other alternative is possible. Medications are prescribed for limited use, or in cases of common chronic disorders.

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3. The dangers of psychotropic drugs and narcotics

3.1 The dangers of psychotropic drugs
Psychotropic drugs have certain effects, but they also have certain dangers to users.
In addition to using psychotropic drugs to treat mental disorders, some drugs make patients more excited, happy and more obedient. It is a mechanism for some subjects to take advantage of fraud, appropriate other people's property, make the victim fall into a state of unconsciousness, not being able to control their actions, causing others to take advantage and wrong cause.
3.2 Dangers of drugs
Recreational drugs are chemicals that affect the central nervous system, causing hallucinations. This substance can be used to have beneficial effects on cognition, consciousness, behavior, etc. Some drugs can be addictive to the user.
Many addictive substances such as beers, alcohol, mushrooms blur the line between food and recreational drugs, because when absorbed into the body they affect mental and physical function.

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Chất gây nghiện có thể tác động đến hành vi người dùng

3.3 Synthetic drugs can be made from psychotropic drugs and narcotics
Forms and ways of using narcotics and psychotropic substances can make drugs . Synthetic drugs are made from cannabis essence mixed with butter, milk, eggs, chocolate ... and then baked. In appearance, this method is like many cakes but has psychotropic, hallucinogenic and addictive properties like drugs.
In laughing gas or laughing ball, there are also addictive substances and psychotropic substances to cause strange feelings, euphoria, hallucinations and cause laughs without reason. This laughing gas when entering the body will act on a point of the nervous system causing laughter in a very short time, so users often use it continuously in large amounts and when this gas enters the body, it will not be controlled. be harmful to the user.
In addition, it can also cause users to be poisoned, nervous disorders. Repeated use of this substance can cause the user to lose sensation, function abnormally, neurological disorders, memory loss and depression.

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