Uses of Pamolcap

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Pamolcap belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic drugs with main ingredients including paracetamol, caffeine and chlorpheniramine. The drug is often used in cases of colds, fever, flu, headache, toothache and neuromuscular pain.

1. What are the effects of Pamolcap?

Pamolcap medicine has the main ingredients paracetamol, caffeine, chlorpheniramine with the following specific effects:
Paracetamol belongs to the group of analgesics and antipyretics, non-steroidal is the active metabolite of phenacetin, an effective analgesic and antipyretic with can replace aspirin, but paracetamol is not effective in treating inflammation. In equal doses over time, paracetamol has analgesic and antipyretic effects similar to aspirin. Paracetamol at therapeutic doses has little effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, does not change the acid-base balance, does not cause irritation, scratch or gastric bleeding like when taking salicylates because paracetamol does not affect systemic cyclooxygenase . Paracetamol has no effect on platelets or bleeding time. Caffeine is a xanthine derivative extracted from coffee, cocoa or synthesized from uric acid, which has obvious effects on the central nervous system, preferentially stimulating the cerebral cortex, reducing the feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, increasing excitability in the cortex. Brain. However, if caffeine is used continuously and for a long time, after the euphoria phase is suppressed and at high doses causes fibrillation. Chlorpheniramine is a first generation antihistamine used in the prevention of symptoms of allergic conditions such as rhinitis and urticaria. The sedative effect of chlorpheniramine is relatively weak compared with other first generation antihistamines Pamolcap is usually indicated in the following cases:
Fever, cold, headache; Runny nose, stuffy nose, allergic rhinitis; Nerve pain; Toothache and joint pain. The contraindications of the drug Pamolcap include:
Patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug; Patients with severe renal impairment; Patients with G6PD deficiency; The patient is having an acute asthma attack ; Patients with symptoms of prostate enlargement; Narrow angle glaucoma; Bladder neck obstruction; Peptic ulcer, pyloro-duodenal obstruction; The patient is taking a monoamine oxidase inhibitor within 14 days of starting treatment with chlorpheniramine; Children under 15 months of age, lactating women, infants and preterm infants; Coronary heart failure, myocardial infarction ; Tachycardia, extrasystoles.

3. Dosage of the drug Pamolcap:

Depending on the subjects and treatment goals, the dosage of Pamolcap will be different, specifically as follows:
Adults: 1-2 tablets/time, 3-4 times a day; Children 7-15 years old: 1 tablet/time, 2-3 times a day; Children 2-6 years old: 1⁄2- 1 tablet/time, 1-2 times a day; Pay attention to using no more than 4g of acetaminophen per day. When using Pamolcap overdose will cause overdose symptoms according to each component of the drug as follows:
Paracetamol poisoning causing liver necrosis is the most serious due to overdose and can be fatal. The lethal dose of chlorpheniramine is about 25-50 mg/kg body weight. Overdose of chlorpheniramine can cause paradoxical central nervous system stimulation, respiratory arrest, convulsions, tonic reactions and cardiovascular collapse. Patients need to stop the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

4. Side effects of the drug Pamolcap

In some patients when using Erythromycin, side effects may occur such as:
Erythema, urticaria; Nausea, vomiting; Hematopoietic disorders, anemia; Kidney disease, kidney toxicity in long-term abuse; Drowsiness, sedation; Dry mouth. If you experience these symptoms, the patient should stop using Pamolcap and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

5. Be careful when using Pamolcap

Some general notes when using Pamolcap include:
Patients should be informed of signs of serious skin reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic necrosis syndrome or Lyell syndrome, acute systemic pustular exanthematous syndrome. Use paracetamol with caution in patients with pre-existing anemia because cyanosis may not be evident even when methemoglobin levels have reached dangerous levels Drinking alcohol can increase the hepatotoxicity of paracetamol should avoid alcohol when using Pamolcap drug. Use paracetamol for pregnant women only when the benefits and harms have been weighed. Chlorpheniramine may increase the risk of urinary retention due to its anticholinergic side effects, particularly in patients with prostatic hypertrophy, urinary tract obstruction, and pyloric obstruction and exacerbation in patients with myasthenia gravis. . The sedation effect of chlorpheniramine is increased with alcohol intake or with the concomitant use of other sedatives. There is a risk of respiratory complications, respiratory failure and apnea in children or patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease when Use Pamolcap. There is an increased risk of tooth decay in patients on long-term treatment with Pamolcap due to its anti-acetylcholine effect causing dry mouth. Pamolcap may cause drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, seriously affecting the ability to drive or use machines. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid using Pamolcap when driving or operating mechanical vehicles. Avoid using Pamolcap in patients with glaucoma such as glaucoma. The drug should be used with caution in the elderly, since these individuals are often more sensitive to the anticholinergic effects of acetylcholine.

6. Drug interactions with Pamolcap

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors will prolong and increase the anticholinergic effect of antihistamines. Ethanol or other sedative-hypnotics may potentiate the CNS depressant effects of Chlorpheniramine. Chlorpheniramine inhibits phenytoin metabolism and can lead to phenytoin toxicity. Pamolcap may slightly increase the anticoagulant effect of coumarin and indandion derivatives. Concomitant use with phenothiazines and antipyretic therapy has the potential to cause severe hypothermia. Excessive and long-term alcohol consumption can increase the risk of liver toxicity. Anticonvulsants such as phenytoin, barbiturates, carbamazepine may increase the hepatotoxicity of paracetamol in Pamolcap by increasing the metabolism of the drug into hepatotoxic substances. Above is all information about Pamolcap drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Pamolcap is a drug prescribed by a specialist, patients absolutely must not use it on their own.

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