Uses of Osapain

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Osapain is a product used to treat diseases related to pain, high fever or inflammation. Osapain should have instructions with a doctor's prescription before use to ensure its use. Here are some shared information to help you better understand what Osapain does?

1. Uses of Osapain

Osapain is used externally to relieve pain, reduce inflammation or reduce swelling for tendon and bone injuries. When using Osapain, patients should note the following specific indications so that they can recommend Osapain to their doctor:
Patients treat lesions appearing in tendons Treat ligament injuries Treats sprains Reduces bruises Fights muscle strains Relieves back pain from accidents or extreme sports Tendonitis Hand shoulder syndrome Bursitis syndrome Peri-joint inflammation Osteoarthritis syndrome Moderate to Mild Finger Arthritis Knee Osteoarthritis In general, musculoskeletal problems will be considered by your doctor to be treated with Osapain. Please inform your doctor for specific advice on the effects as well as the suitability for each treatment situation.

2. Dosage and how to use Osapain

Osapain drug is used for patients from 12 years old. For patients under 12 years old, Osapain is not recommended. Osapain drug is a topical cream, treatment by penetrating into the skin to directly treat the problem in epithelial cells. When using Osapain, the doctor can prescribe it in combination with other drugs to improve the effect.
Usually, with the right group of subjects using Osapain, the dosage will be considered according to the size of the skin that is damaged or painful. The amount of drug usually used ranges from 2-4g. Every day, the patient should apply the drug with that dose 3-4 times and gently rub it to spread the medicine evenly around the affected area.
Osapain does not have a fixed course of treatment. Patients with good progress can shorten the course of treatment or prolong it when the desired effect is not achieved. Usually, the doctor will follow up the evaluation after 2 weeks of using the drug to evaluate in detail. This is also the maximum time that should be used for a course.

3. Notes before taking Osapain

Osapain should not be used when the patient is found to be at risk of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients. In addition, you may be contraindicated to use Osapain in the following cases:
Patients with a history of or being treated for asthma Patients with hives Patients with allergic rhinitis syndrome due to drug use pregnant women in the 3rd trimester Cases of contraindications to the use of the drug will need to be re-evaluated. Insignificant severity may reduce the dose used during treatment. However, doctors often choose to change to another treatment with the same group of effects to limit the danger to the patient.
The drug should not be applied to the skin with open wounds. Please note that Osapain should only be used on damaged skin, but not torn or open. The pharmacology of Osapain is quite strong to avoid contact with mucous membranes or corneas. When using the drug initially may appear mild skin burning in a small area. This is an adaptive response but should still be carefully examined.
After applying the medicine, the skin should be left open to ventilation, avoiding sealing.

4. Side effects of Osapain

Rash on the skin Red, painful swelling Dermatitis Itching Eczema Osapain topical will cause a harmful reaction to skin health. In addition, some reactions after interactions with blood or other organs are still at risk. Due to the low probability and infrequent occurrence, it is often not mentioned. To ensure safety for your health to prevent serious problems, you should talk to your doctor more about your health and symptoms when taking the drug.
Prophylaxis against the risk of drug interactions Osapain should follow the doctor's instructions for periodic checkups. Patients need to actively visit the doctor regularly to adjust the dose if necessary. At the same time, periodic test results will screen for complications or false-positive signs caused by the drug inadvertently.

5. Interaction with Osapain

Osapain is a pharmaceutical product that is absorbed through the skin. When using topical drugs, there may be interactions with drugs that affect endocrine or skin health. You should consult detailed advice from your doctor to understand the risk of interaction between Osapain and other drugs you are or have ever used. Almost patients rarely reported interactions with Osapain drugs. However, it should not be subjective to be able to prevent the effects of the drug from spreading and being difficult to control.
What effect Osapain drug has has been clarified by the above article. However, patients should be careful with the drug, especially avoid using it for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 12 years old.

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