Uses of Origluta

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Origluta is a drug prepared in the form of an oral solution belonging to the group of mineral and vitamin drugs, often indicated for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by calcium and magnesium deficiency. In order to use this drug safely and achieve the best effect, users need to know the information about its uses, dosage, usage and the following notes and cautions when using the drug. .

1. What is Origluta?

What is Origluta? Origluta is a product manufactured by Phuong Dong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and is responsible for registration.
This pharmaceutical product belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins with the main ingredients being Calcium Glycerophosphate 456mg and Magnesium gluconate 426mg. The drug is indicated for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by calcium and magnesium deficiency to help supplement these 2 ingredients for cases of rickets, malnutrition, depression, pregnant women...
Origluta is formulated under form of oral solution and is packaged in boxes of 10 ampoules, 20 ampoules, 30 ampoules, 50 ampoules and 100 tubes x 10ml/1 tube.

2. Uses of Origluta

2.1 What does Origluta do? Calcium glycerophosphate is a calcium enhancer and inorganic phosphate is preferable to calcium phosphate due to its increased solubility. Calcium glycerophosphate allows for increased calcium retention and incorporation of ions into larger bone structure.
Calcium glycerophosphate is also used in toothpaste products to prevent tooth decay, for stronger teeth. Calcium glycerophosphate in combination with sodium monofluorophosphate helps to reduce the acidic solubility of tooth enamel due to increased absorption of dissolved fluoride. And magnesium helps maintain intracellular free calcium ion concentrations, which are essential in various cellular functions. Magnesium is also essential for many enzymatic reactions inside the body, acting as a cofactor in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.
Magnesium also contributes to the structural development of bones and is essential in the synthesis of DNA, RNA and the antioxidant glutathione. Magnesium also plays an important role in the active transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes. In addition, magnesium is an essential mineral that is essential for body temperature regulation, protein and nucleic acid synthesis, and preservation of nerve cell and muscle cell potentials. Magnesium supplementation during pregnancy also helps limit preeclampsia and birth weight gain.
2.2 Indication Origluta drug is often used to appoint for some of the following cases:
Prevention and treatment of diseases caused by calcium and magnesium deficiency Calcium and magnesium supplementation for cases of rickets, weakness, malnutrition, Pregnant women, people who have just had surgery,... 2.3 Contraindications The drug is contraindicated for some specific cases such as:
People who are sensitive to calcium glycerophosphate, magnesium gluconate or allergic to other components. excipients in the drug. People with hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria or kidney stones.

3. Usage and dosage of Origluta

In order to use Origluta drug to maximize effectiveness and minimize side effects, users need to use the drug in the right way, in the right dose, as advised, indicated or consulted by the doctor and Dosage is below:
How to use: The drug is prepared in the form of an oral solution that should be taken orally directly. According to the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions, patients should take the drug after eating to achieve the best effect, to avoid affecting the stomach.
Adults: Take 1 ampoule/time and drink 2-3 times a day. Children from 6-15 years old: Take 1 ampoule/time/day. Note: This is a reference dose, in order to have a specific dose suitable for each person, you should consult and ask for the advice of a doctor, a qualified pharmacist for the best advice.

4. Origluta side effects

In general, Origluta is well tolerated with few side effects, if any, side effects are usually mild and transient.
Some possible side effects from taking this medicine include dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, stomach pain, rash, red skin, allergies...
If If you experience any of the above side effects or have any other unusual signs that affect your health, you should immediately notify your doctor for advice on how to handle it or go directly to a medical facility for timely treatment. .

5. Drug interactions

Origluta drug may interact with some drugs and foods, affecting the effects of drugs or increasing side effects affecting health. Therefore, in order to avoid drug interactions, users should inform their doctors about the drugs they are taking, including functional foods or medicines to treat diseases and support drugs.

6. Notes and cautions

In order to use Origluta to achieve the best effect and ensure safety, users also need to pay attention to some of the following issues:
Use the drug as prescribed and prescribed by a qualified doctor, not by yourself. Take medication, increase or decrease the dose of the drug, or stop taking it without consulting your doctor. The drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women, but it is necessary to consult a qualified doctor and use the drug only when prescribed by a doctor. Do not arbitrarily use to avoid affecting pregnancy and children. In addition to taking medicine, users need to have a nutritious diet, supplement with calcium- and magnesium-rich foods to prevent calcium and magnesium deficiency.

7. Missed dose, overdose

Missed dose: If you forget to take a dose, take it as soon as you remember within 1-2 hours of the prescribed time, but if it is almost time for the next dose, take the next dose and skip the missed dose. Do not double the dose, overlap the dose to make up the dose to avoid overdose or increase the side effects of the drug. Overdose: During the course of taking the drug, if you see signs of suspected overdose, notify your doctor for advice on how to handle it. In case of danger and emergency, it is necessary to bring the patient to the local medical center for emergency treatment and the most effective and timely treatment.

8. Preservation of drugs

Should store the medicine in a place with a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, avoid moisture and avoid direct sunlight, which will affect the effectiveness of the drug. Medicines should be kept out of sight and reach of small children so that children do not play with and take the wrong medicine when not prescribed.
For disposing of medications that are no longer usable, consult your doctor or consult your local waste disposal company for advice on how to safely dispose of the medication. Do not flush the medicine under the household tap or throw it in the toilet.
Above is all information about Origluta's uses, as well as how to use and dosage that everyone needs to know. From there, use the drug safely and achieve the best effect when prescribed.
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