Uses of Mucibaby

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Drug Mucibaby used for problems in the upper respiratory tract of patients. Before taking Mucibaby, patients should check with their doctor's prescription. The following are shares to help you better understand what Mucibaby is?

1. Uses of the drug Mucibaby

Mucibaby is used to replenish electrolytes specifically potassium. According to an analysis of clinical studies, Mucibaby can improve blood potassium levels below 3.6 mmol/l. Potassium deficiency in patients can be detected based on a number of symptoms such as:
Diarrhea Vomiting Vomiting Renal excretion increased Increased aldosterone The body lacks potassium will lead to electrolyte loss, making you always tired, especially fatigue for the body. When muscle health weakens, the patient is at risk of pseudo-paralysis, cramps, depolarization disorder, increased ventricular excitability or ECG disturbances. In addition, providing the Cl anion - will also correct the effects that cause hypokalemia in the blood. Usually you will be prescribed Mucibaby in cases such as:
Hyperkalemia After using diuretics, corticosteroids, laxatives

2. Dosage and how to take Mucibaby

Mucibaby medicine can be used to treat daily dosage and use, your doctor will guide you specifically. To determine the dose and route of administration, the patient will undergo a specific test to evaluate the amount of potassium in the blood first.
When it is certain that the potassium level in the blood falls below 3.6 mmol/l, the dose should be started with a dose equivalent to 4g KCl per day. This amount will be equivalent to 52 mmol of Potassium. The patient's daily dose will be divided into 2-3 times of use. The most suitable time to take Mucibaby according to the doctor's recommendation is after meals.

3. Notes before taking Mucibaby

Mucibaby drug should carefully check the potassium level in the blood before use. This is a drug that affects the health of the elderly. To ensure safety for the elderly, it is advisable to use the drug according to the instructions of the doctor.
Mucibaby is absolutely contraindicated for use in patients with hyperkalemia. This condition often occurs in patients with kidney failure, addison's syndrome, diabetes difficult to control blood sugar, congenital bipolar disorder. In addition, patients taking diuretics should be carefully checked, because this drug will not be used with Mucibaby.
Some drugs that inhibit or cause ACE inhibitors are not indicated for use with Mucibab. This case may not be considered completely contraindicated. However, you should consult your doctor carefully before taking the drug.
Pregnant or lactating women are quite sensitive subjects. To avoid serious effects, you should note that you should not self-medicate unless prescribed by a doctor and instructed on how to use it.
The half-life of Mucibaby will be 6 - 8 hours. During that time may affect the abdominal examination will show that the whole tablet does not dissolve. When the body completely absorbs the active ingredient from Mucibaby, the rest remains intact and is excreted through the gastrointestinal tract.
An active part of Mucibaby may be excreted in the urine. Drugs excreted in the urinary tract can affect patients with kidney problems. If the excretion in the kidneys is not guaranteed, it can cause an increase in potassium levels in the blood, which is dangerous to health.

4. Side effects of the drug Mucibaby

Hyperkalemia causing sudden death Stomach ulcer Inflammation of the small intestine Mucibaby drug may affect health depending on the usage and actual condition in each patient. In most cases, side effects will occur when the patient takes an overdose of the drug. In case of correct use of indications and instructions, symptoms will be reduced. However, to prevent any danger to your health, notify your doctor when you feel any abnormality with your health.

5. Interactions with drugs Mucibaby

Mucibaby drugs are not allowed to be used concurrently with diuretics. When taking diuretics with Mucibaby, it will lead to an increase in blood potassium levels, which is dangerous for users. It is only allowed to combine drugs when the doctor allows and at the same time the patient's blood potassium level is low.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II inhibitors, when used concurrently with Mucibaby will cause serious complications if they increase potassium levels in the blood. Patients may be at increased risk of death if elevated potassium levels are concurrently present with renal failure syndrome.
In general, Mucibaby should not be used with drugs that cause electrolyte disturbances or loss. Whether increasing or decreasing potassium levels when taking drugs, they seriously affect the patient's health. To avoid the above interactions, you should always notify your doctor about your medical conditions and list of medications so that you can consider the risk of drug interactions when using.
Above is the information shared about what drug Mucibaby is. During the treatment and use of the drug, the patient should follow all instructions from the doctor. Any changes should be reported to the doctor for a detailed evaluation.

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