Uses of Kaldyum

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Kaldyum is used in the prevention of hypokalemia caused by diarrhea, hyperadrenocorticism or renal potassium loss. Besides the effective uses, the drug also causes side effects that patients need to be aware of.

1. What are the effects of kaldyum?

Kaldyum has the main ingredient is potassium chloride, belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins, is prescribed by doctors to use in the following cases:
The drug is used for patients with potassium deficiency or hypokalemia, especially with people taking diuretics, cortisone derivatives or laxatives. Kaldyum is used to prevent potassium deficiency caused by vomiting, diarrhea, adrenal hyperplasia and renal potassium loss.

2. Dosage and usage

How to use : Kaldyum is produced in the form of capsules and used orally. In order for Kaldyum to be most effective, the patient should take the medicine with plenty of water, do not break or crush the medicine. Kaldyum can be taken with or after a meal because food does not reduce the absorption of the drug.
Dosage: The dose of Kaldyum is not fixed that the doctor will prescribe according to the level of need and the patient's body condition. The usual common dose in adults is 2-3 capsules (16-24 mmol K+) per day for the prevention of hypokalemia and 5-12 capsules (40-96 mmol K+) for the treatment of hypokalemia. .
If the daily dose is more than 2 capsules, it should be divided into 2 or more taken during the day.
Note: Potassium chloride can also be used in people with cirrhosis with normal kidney function.
Overdose and treatment:
In case of overdose of Kaldyum, patients will often experience some reactions such as: Paresthesias, ventricular arrhythmias, muscle weakness, dizziness, hypotension, ventricular fibrillation, cardiac arrest and impulse conduction disorder. Treatment measures: To handle an overdose of Kaldyum, the doctor will usually appoint the patient to wash the stomach if the drug overdose is severe, requiring peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis, transfusion. saline solution, glucose, and insulin, or cause frequent urination to flush out the drug's toxins from the body. Contraindications:
Kaldyum is not used for patients in the following cases:
Patients with hyperkalemia; People with acute renal failure in the stage of oliguria, anuria and uremia; The patient is suffering from chronic renal failure in the stage of blood urea retention; Addison's disease is not treated; The patient is acutely dehydrated and has problems with digestive function; Patients with stomach problems such as slow digestion, pinched esophagus, intestinal obstruction, pyloric stenosis, because this will prevent potassium chloride from passing through the gastrointestinal tract and potentially cause severe gastrointestinal irritation. than.

3. Side effects

Common side effects of Kaldyum include: Diarrhea, bloating, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, irritability, hyperkalemia, arrhythmia, slow heart rate, loss of sensation or numbness in the hands and feet and lower extremities weak or heavy, shortness of breath, and shallow breathing.
Rare reactions of Kaldyum include: Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. In rare cases, there may be problems related to the digestive system such as bleeding, ulcers, more serious can be perforation or blockage.
If experiencing these symptoms, the patient should stop using Kaldyum and notify the doctor for appropriate treatment.

4. Caution

During the use of Kaldyum, the patient should have the serum potassium level checked regularly and the electrocardiogram measured, especially if there is a history of cardiovascular and renal disease.
For pregnant and lactating women: It is not proven that Kaldyum is safe for these conditions. Therefore, before taking Kaldyum, patients should consult their doctor and carefully consider the benefits of using Kaldyum during pregnancy.
Use Kaldyum with caution in patients with a history of peptic ulcer disease.
For patients taking digitalis drugs, it is also necessary to monitor their health when stopping using Kaldyum because when the body has a sudden decrease in blood potassium, it will cause side effects that increase digitalis toxicity.

5. Drug interactions

Caution when using Kaldyum in combination with the following drugs:
Co-administration with ACE inhibitors such as captopril, enalapril may increase potassium levels, so regular monitoring of serum potassium levels is required. . Concomitant administration of Kaldyum with diuretics with low potassium excretion such as amiloride may cause severe hyperkalemia reactions. normal level. Concomitant use with beta-blockers will reduce potassium in the cells, but the concentration of potassium in the blood will be higher, which is dangerous for users. Concomitant administration of nephrotoxic drugs, particularly cisplatin, aminoglycosides will increase serum potassium concentrations. When Kaldyum and Cyclosporin are combined in high doses, there is nephrotoxicity. This reaction does not occur immediately, but will manifest after a period of taking the drug from one to several months later. Concomitant use with thiazide diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide, cyclic diuretics such as furosemide, antacids, amphotericin B, corticosteroids, insulin may reduce serum potassium levels. Concomitant use with anticholinergics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may increase gastrointestinal side effects. Above is all information about Kaldyum drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Because Kaldyum is a prescription drug, it is absolutely forbidden for patients to self-medicate at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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