Uses of Mondenar

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Mondenar medicine contains the main active ingredients are Magnesium hydroxide, Simethicone, aluminum hydroxide and is indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. So what is Mondenar and how is it used?

1. Information about the drug Mondenar

The drug, whose full name is Mondenar, is prepared in the form of an oral mixture. Medicines are packaged in boxes of 10, 20 and 30 packs, each pack will contain 10g of medicine. Mondenar medicine contains active ingredients such as: Magnesium hydroxide content of 400.2 mg, Simethicone content of 40 mg, aluminum hydroxide content of 306mg and other sufficient excipients.

2. Uses of Mondenar

Drug Mondenar is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers - duodenum, abdominal distension, abdominal pain. With the mechanism of action is to effectively reduce the amount of stomach acid from the active ingredients, Mondenar helps prevent dangerous complications, specifically:
Aluminum hydroxide helps reduce acidity in the stomach, reducing the symptoms of stomach ulcers duodenum, heartburn, heartburn, bloating, gastro-oesophageal reflux ; Magnesium hydroxide has the effect of neutralizing acid in the stomach; Simethicone supports the treatment of conditions such as indigestion, belching. Accordingly, the drug Mondenar is often indicated in the following cases:
Improve the symptoms of gastric and duodenal ulcers, help reduce the increase in stomach acid; Prevention and treatment of ulcers, stomach and duodenal bleeding caused by stress; Helps prevent gastrointestinal bleeding.

3. Usage and recommended dosage of Mondenar

The drug is in the form of powder for suspension, so it will be used orally, convenient for users. The recommended dosage of Mondenar is as follows::
Adults take 1 to 2 sachets, 3 times a day; Children over 6 years old drink from 1⁄2 to 1 pack, 3 times a day.

4. Cases of not using Mondenar

Contraindicated to use Mondenar drug in the following cases:
People who are allergic to Magnesium hydroxide, Simethicone, aluminum hydroxide and other active ingredients; People with severe renal function impairment do not use the drug; Children under 6 years old are not recommended to use; People with hypophosphataemia.

5. Mondenar side effects

Currently, there are no statistics or reports of unwanted effects of the drug during use. Therefore, if you experience any unusual signs after using the drug and suspect it is a side effect, you should immediately report it to your doctor or pharmacist for timely treatment.

6. Interactions of Mondenar

Currently, there are no statistics or reports on drug interactions with other functional foods, antibiotics or medicinal herbs. Therefore, to ensure safety when using drugs, you should inform your doctor or pharmacist prescribing any drugs or supplements that you are using.

7. Notes when using the drug Mondenar

In the process of using Mondenar, the patient should pay attention to the following issues:
In case of missed dose, the patient should take it as soon as he remembers, if it is almost time for the next dose, it is possible skip; Do not arbitrarily increase/decrease or stop using the drug without a doctor's prescription; Read the instructions carefully before use or consult a doctor; Products that have been tested may pose a risk to pregnant or lactating women. Therefore, it is necessary to consider using these two objects; The drug does not affect the driver or the operator of machinery. Mondenar drug contains the main active ingredients are Magnesium hydroxide, Simethicone, aluminum hydroxide and is indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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