Home Tag Simethicone

Articles in Simethicone

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Enterpass: Medicine to treat flatulence and indigestion
Enterpass is a brand name soft capsule containing digestive enzymes (Alpha amylase and Papain) and Simethicone.
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What is Espumisan L?
Air bubbles in the digestive tract are the culprits causing symptoms of bloating, even colic in children. To destroy air bubbles without affecting health, patients can use Simethicone in Espumisan L. So what does Espumisan L do?
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Uses of Santios
The drug Santios with the main ingredient is Simethicone is used to treat symptoms of flatulence, dyspepsia, pain caused by gas after surgery or functional gastric distension. To use the drug effectively, please refer to the information on the composition and uses of Santios in the following article.
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Uses of Simenic
Simenic medicine is effective in the quick relief of abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Drugs are used both in the treatment and as an aid in the diagnosis of disease.
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Uses of Pancricon
Pancricon is made in the form of tablets, with the main ingredients including Pancreatin and Simethicone. The drug is used in the treatment of a number of digestive disorders (flatulence, loss of appetite, indigestion, ...).
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Uses of Mondenar
The drug Mondenar contains the main active ingredients are Magnesium hydroxide, Simethicone, aluminum hydroxide and is indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. So what is Mondenar and how is it used?
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Uses of Sicongast
Sicongast is a chewable tablet with the main ingredient Simethicone. The drug is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics