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Meza Calcium D3 is a drug containing Calcium carbonate and vitamin D3, which has the effect of supplementing calcium and vitamin D for the body. From there, it helps to enhance the development of teeth and bones in children, pregnant or lactating women.
1. In what cases is Meza Calci indicated?
Meza Calcium D3 is indicated for the following cases:
Supportive treatment for osteoporosis patients such as after menopause, the elderly, patients treated with corticosteroids) and children with rickets (support in the treatment of osteoporosis). vitamin D treatment). Treatment of calcium deficiency during the growth period of children, pregnant women, and lactating women. Besides, the following cases are contraindicated with Meza Calcium to pay attention:
Patients with hypercalcemia, urinary calcium. Patients with calcium stones, tissue calcification, chronic kidney failure. People lying motionless for a long time accompanied by hypercalciuria or hypercalcemia.
2. Dosage and how to use Meza Calci
Meza-Calci drug can be used with the following reference dose:
Children under 2 years old take Meza Calci according to specific prescriptions of the treating doctor, suitable for each child's condition Children 2 - 7 Age: 1-2 tablets/day (or sachet) Children > 7 years old and adults: 2-4 tablets/day (or sachet)
3. Notes when using Meza Calci
Meza Calcium is not a substitute for medicine and is especially cautious in use with lactose intolerant patients. For patients requiring long-term treatment, during the use of the drug, the urinary calcium index should be checked periodically and treatment should be stopped if the urinary calcium is > 300mg/24 hours (7.5 mmol/24 hours).
When the doctor prescribes a combination with high-dose vitamin D, the patient needs to check weekly blood calcium and urinary calcium indicators.
For pregnant or lactating women, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use for the best effect.
4. Meza Calci side effects
During the use of Meza Calci, patients may experience side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mild digestive disturbances, constipation or flatulence. In rare cases, long-term treatment with high doses causes hypercalcemia and urinary calcium which may precipitate kidney stones in the future. However, to date there have been no reports of serious side effects of Meza Calci.
5. Treatment of overdose, missed dose
Patients who take an overdose of Meza Calcium may have symptoms such as thirst, increased urination, nausea, mild vomiting, dehydration, high blood pressure, vasomotor disorders or constipation. Discontinue all calcium and vitamin D supplies and notify your doctor immediately, or go to the nearest medical facility for treatment.
Then, depending on the severity of each person, the doctor will prescribe treatment with a single drug or a combination of drugs such as diuretics, corticosteroids, caleitonin, peritoneal dialysis.
In case of forgetting a dose of Meza-Calci, the patient should not take a make up dose, take it as soon as he remembers and do not take it too close to the next dose. Ideally, patients still need to adhere to the correct dose and schedule to achieve the highest effectiveness.
Meza Calcium D3 is a drug containing Calcium carbonate and vitamin D3, which has the effect of supplementing calcium and vitamin D for the body. From there, it helps to enhance the development of teeth and bones in children, pregnant or lactating women. To ensure effective use, users need to carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor, professional pharmacist.
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