Uses of calcium stada 500mg

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Calcium Stada 500mg medicine contains the active ingredient Calcium carbonate which is indicated in the treatment and prevention of calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, rickets... Let's learn about the uses, the notes when using the Calcium Stada 500mg drug through the post. write below.

1. Uses of the drug Calcium Stada 500mg

"What is the effect of Calcium Satda 500mg?". Calcium Stada medicine contains active ingredient Calcium Carbonate indicated in the following diseases:
Treatment and prevention of calcium deficiency; Calcium supplementation in specific therapy for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis; Assist in vitamin D therapy, treatment of osteomalacia and rickets.

2. Dosage of Calcium Stada 500mg

"Calcium Stada 500mg how to use, how much is the recommended dose?". Accordingly, the drug is prepared in the form of effervescent tablets for oral use. Patients should dissolve the tablet in an appropriate amount of water (about 200ml) and drink it immediately after mixing. Calcium can be taken with or without meals. The recommended dose in adults is 500-1000mg (1-2 tablets) to supplement the recommended daily calcium requirement. In case of treatment or calcium deficiency, a dose of 2000mg (4 tablets/day) can be used in the first time of treatment.
Cases of drug overdose can lead to blood calcium and urinary calcium with symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, thirst, polyuria, dehydration, constipation ... Chronic drug overdose will lead to increased calcium blood causes calcification of blood vessels and organs. Usually drug poisoning occurs when patients take an overdose of 2000mg/day for a long time.
When symptoms of drug poisoning appear, the patient should stop using Calicum Stada immediately and conduct rehydration, electrolytes. In addition, the patient needs to be taken to the medical facility as soon as possible for timely treatment.

3. Side effects of the drug Calcium Stada 500mg

Calcium Stada 500mg medicine can cause some side effects as follows:
Uncommon: Side effects on metabolism and nutrition such as increased urinary calcium, hypercalcemia; Rare: Constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersensitivity reactions such as urticaria, pruritus, rash; Very rare: Systemic allergic reactions such as facial edema, anaphylaxis, angioedema. In case of experiencing unwanted effects, the patient should stop using Calcium Stada and notify the treating doctor for treatment.

4. Note when using the drug Calcium Stada 500mg

4.1. Contraindications Contraindicated to use Calcium Stada 500mg drug in the following cases:
Patients with calcium stones, kidney stones, hypercalcemia occurs due to vitamin D excess disorder, hyperparathyroidism, severe renal failure, tumors due to bone loss, metastatic bone cancer; Hypercalciuria, blood calcium associated with long-term immobilization; Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of Calcium Stada 500mg. 4.2. Caution when using Patients need to control the process of urinary calcium excretion in case of detecting mild increase in urinary calcium or evidence of renal failure, urinary stone formation... In case of necessity, calcium should be stopped. .
Be careful when using Calcium Stada in patients with Sarcoid due to the possibility of increasing the conversion of vitamin D to the active form... It is necessary to monitor the concentration of urinary calcium and blood calcium in these patients.
For patients with renal failure, it is necessary to monitor renal function and serum calcium and phosphate levels.
For pregnant women: Calcium Stada 500mg can be used as a supplement for pregnant women in case the daily calcium supplement does not meet the needs.
For women who are breastfeeding: Calcium Stada 500mg can be excreted in breast milk but does not affect the nursing infant. Therefore, the drug can be used in lactating women in case the daily calcium supplement does not meet the needs.

5. Drug interactions

Simultaneous use of Vitamin D and Calcium Stada 500mg increases the absorption of Calcium.
Calcium Stada drug increases the effect of Digoxin and cardiac glycosides, increases toxicity and the risk of unwanted effects.
Calcium Carbonate reduces the absorption of some drugs such as Tetracycline (forming insoluble complexes), so it is recommended to use these drugs at least 2 hours apart.
Loop diuretics, Thiazide diuretics increase the absorption of calcium in the kidney, so be careful about the risk of hypercalcemia.
Concomitant use of Calcium Carbonate and Sodium Fluorure reduces the extent of absorption of both drugs, so it is recommended to use at least 2 hours apart in cases where it is imperative.
Drug interactions that reduce the effect of Calcium Stada 500mg increase the risk of unwanted effects. Therefore, patients need to inform their doctors about the drugs and functional foods they are using to ensure safety and effectiveness in treatment.
Calcium Stada 500mg medicine containing active ingredient Calcium carbonate is indicated in the treatment and prevention of calcium deficiency, osteoporosis, rickets... To ensure effective treatment, patients need to take the drug by prescription or through consultation. consultation with a specialist doctor or pharmacist. Follow the website of Vinmec International General Hospital to get more health, nutrition and beauty information to protect the health of yourself and your loved ones in your family.

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