Uses of Metrospiral

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Metrospiral is a pharmaceutical drug belonging to the group of drugs used to treat infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi. This is a medicine that requires a prescription from a doctor. Here are some shared information to help readers better understand what Metrospiral does?

1. Uses of the drug Metrospiral

Metrospiral is used in patients who are experiencing an acute infection. Usually, patients who need to fight or treat infections in dentistry will prescribe Metrospiral. You can refer to a few indications of Metrospiral:
Treatment of chronic or acute oral infections Treatment of recurrent oral infections such as tooth abscesses, inflammation around tissue cells jawbone, inflammation with oral swelling Treatment of crown infection, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis Treatment of inflammation in the parotid gland Treatment of inflammation under the jaw Prevention of oral infections for patients after surgery perform dental procedures. In addition to the above indications, all infections require a doctor's prescription. Patients should not arbitrarily use the drug without the doctor's permission and guidance to ensure the therapeutic effect as well as to avoid being addicted to the drug for future treatments.

2. Dosage and how to use Metrospiral

Metrospiral is prepared in the form of tablets for oral use. The patient will be dosed according to the tablet and divided into several times a day. Currently, there are no indications for use in children under 5 years of age. Therefore, it is possible to refer to the common dosage for children and adults according to the following quantification:
Children aged 5 - 10 years use 2 tablets per day divided into 2 doses Children from 10 to 15 years old. age use 3 tablets per day divided into 3 oral doses Adults or children over 15 years old can be used as indicated, ranging from 4-6 tablets per day. Depending on the dose, it can be divided into 2-3 times to increase absorption. Normally, Metrospiral should be used after meals to avoid affecting the stomach. In addition, the time of day to take the drug for each patient may not be the same depending on the number of times of use. You need to discuss more information with your doctor for guidance and support.
Metrospiral when used in excess will cause serious effects on the nervous system, usually neurotoxicity. In mild manifestations, the patient will lose balance and have a feeling of nausea or vomiting. More dangerous situations can cause convulsions, peripheral neuritis.
Metrospiral drug according to clinical analysis has no specific antidote when the body is unfortunately poisoned. In order to handle an overdose that affects health, patients taking Metrospiral need to notify their doctor to be examined to determine the cause. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor will recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

3. Notes before taking Metrospiral

Before taking Metrospiral, the patient should carefully study the medicinal ingredients. Allergic risks or a history of allergic reactions to Meronodazol, Acetyl Spiramycin and Imidazol derivatives should be reported to the physician. In case the patient is contraindicated, the doctor will consider based on the specific situation to change another drug with more reasonable effect.
Patients with suspected gastric ulcer, enteritis should pay attention when using Metrospiral. This is a tablet that is absorbed more slowly, so it should be avoided in the lying position. At the same time, the elderly or people with reduced bowel movements should pay attention to avoid toxicity from Metrospiral.
Side effects of the drug Metrospiral
Stomach pain Vomiting Diarrhea Urticaria stomatitis Glossitis Leukopenia Dizziness Dizziness Body imbalance Sensory polyneuropathy Urine color turns reddish brown The above side effects have a decreasing frequency in order from top to bottom. However, these are just common manifestations found in patients and in research. Some other side effects that have not been detected always contain many serious risks for patients. To avoid unwanted side effects, patients should actively monitor and periodically re-examine their health to detect any abnormalities of the body.

4. Interactions with drugs Metrospiral

During the use of Metrospiral should avoid taking the same contraceptive pill. According to clinical analysis, oral contraceptives may be reduced or ineffective when met with Metrospiral. Medicines containing metronidazole should be avoided concurrently with Metrospiral. You can refer to a few interactions after using Metrospiral concomitantly with Metronodazol ingredients:
Increased serious effects on the nervous system leading to psychosis or memory impairment leading to confusion Increased toxicity drugs that affect the clotting process causing bleeding in patients Increases effects when used with muscle relaxants Causes increased levels of lithium in the blood of patients Affects clearance rate due to increased toxicity of fluorouracil Vomiting, Warm in, increase heart rate Metrospiral drugs are often used for anti-inflammatory treatment for patients in the oral area. When using the drug, the patient should talk to the doctor for specific advice on how to use and the dose.

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