Uses of Matoni

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Matoni drug with main ingredient is Methylprednisolone sodium succinate used in the treatment of arthritis, trauma, abnormal kidney function. So, how to use Matoni drug, how to use it, how to use it? Let's find out the necessary information about the drug Matoni through the article below.

1. What is Matoni drug?

Matoni is a drug used by injection for the treatment of inflammatory, allergic and marked immunosuppressive disorders. The active ingredient is Methylprednisolone, a derivative of Prednisolone and a glucocorticoid. Matoni is prepared as a powder for injection, each powder vial contains 40mg of Methylprednisolone sodium succinate and 1 ampoule of solvent for injection.

2. Uses of the drug Matoni

Matoni is classified as a hormone and hormone drug, with the main active ingredient Methylprednisolone being an anti-inflammatory with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants. Matoni drug is used in many cases in patients with allergic disorders, functional abnormalities in the renal cortex, diseases of the skin, stomach, nerves, eyes, liver, arthritis and pericarditis.
The anti-inflammatory properties of the drug Matoni are based on the active ingredient Methylprednisolone thanks to its inhibitory effect on extravasation and permeability of leukocytes to the inflammatory site. With the use of Methylprednisolone, the number of neutrophils will be increased and accompanied by a decrease in lymphocytes, eosinophils and monocytes to the peripheral blood. With an increase in the number of neutrophils, inflammatory bacteria are attacked more thoroughly. In addition, Methylprednisolone also destroys some Lympho-T cells in some cases, so the drug has a suppressive effect on the immune system. The anti-lymphocyte effects of Methylprednisolone are exploited in the chemotherapy of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma.
In children with chronic arthritis, the Methylprednisolone in Matoni is used as an assault therapy, which can be injected into the joint.
In diseases of the colon such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, Methylprednisolone can be used as an enema in the case of mild ulcers and orally if the disease is more severe.

3. Indications for use of the drug Matoni

Matoni drug is a glucocorticoid for parenteral administration, indicated in the following cases
Allergies, Adrenal cortex dysfunction, Skin disease, Peptic ulcer, Hypercalcemia, Arthritis, rheumatism, Acute and subacute synovitis, rheumatoid spondylitis Patients with nerve injury Pericarditis, acute rheumatic heart inflammation Seborrheic dermatitis, fungal skin rash

4. Contraindications to the use of the drug Matoni

Corticosteroid-containing anti-inflammatory drugs are always contraindicated in certain specific cases, with Matoni the following cases should not be used:
Contraindicated in serious infections, except septic shock and tuberculous meningitis Patients with hypersensitivity to Methylprednisolone Patients with multiple lesions caused by viruses, tuberculosis or fungi Patients receiving live viral vaccines.

5. Dosage & how to use Matoni

Matoni drug is used by injection, with specific doses as follows
Local injection for patients with arthritis, rheumatism: 4-80mg/week, injecting from 1-5 weeks, depending on the patient's joints. Tendonitis patient: 4-40mg Local injection for skin disease: 20-60mg Intramuscular dose
Treatment of hypersecretion of adrenal hormone: 40mg, injected for 2 weeks Rheumatic treatment: 40-120mg/week Treatment Treatment of chronic contact dermatitis: 40-120mg/week, injection from 1-4 weeks Treatment of bronchial asthma: 80-120mg/week or once every 2 weeks. Treatment of exacerbations of multiple sclerosis: 160mg/day, injected for 1 week, then 64mg/day for 1 month.

6. Side effects of the drug Matoni

Although the effects and effectiveness brought in the treatment of inflammatory diseases are extremely effective. But besides that, the side effects of Methylprednisolone also need to be closely observed in order for patients to use the drug safely:
Fluid retention, sodium retention Congestive heart failure in susceptible patients Alkalosis decreased Serum potassium, potassium loss Muscle weakness, muscle disease due to steroid use Osteoporosis, aseptic necrosis In the gastrointestinal system, the side effects of the drug are extremely serious if the patient does not monitor his condition: stomach bleeding, gastritis Perforation Skin: slow wound healing Nervous system: Increased intracranial pressure, seizures, mental disorders. More seriously, if using Glucocorticoid at levels from euphoria, to insomnia, to a feeling of flight, it can also easily lead to depression, mood changes and obvious psychiatric manifestations Endocrine system: Use Matoni can cause menstrual disorders, development of Cushing's form, growth retardation in children and reduced carbohydrate tolerance Immune system: Glucocorticoids suppress the immune system, so it may mask some signs of potential infection hidden, increasing opportunistic infections.

7. Notes when using the drug Matoni

In the process of using Matoni, patients should note:
Use Matoni with caution in patients with osteoporosis, new vascular connections, mental disorders, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, heart failure and growing children. The elderly are susceptible to side effects when taking systemic corticosteroids. Therefore, when treating this subject, the lowest dose and for the shortest possible time should be used. Acute adrenal insufficiency may occur if Matoni is stopped abruptly after prolonged treatment or in the presence of stress. When using Matoni in high doses, it is possible to affect the effectiveness of vaccination shots. Matoni is an anti-inflammatory drug with corticosteroids used by injection. With the main ingredient is Methylprednisolone 40mg, Matoni is a prescription drug and the patient must use it exactly as directed by the doctor.
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