Uses of Matomax gel

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Mathomax gel is a drug acting on the gastrointestinal tract, indicated in the pathology of gastric ulcer - duodenal ulcer. So what are the ingredients, uses and precautions when using the drug?

1. What is Mathomax gel?

What is Mathomax gel? Mathomax gel includes 2 main ingredients: Magnesium hydroxide and Aluminum hydroxide.
Ingredients Magnesium hydroxide - is an antacid, has a laxative effect. The drug dissolves in gastric acid when entering the stomach, then releases anions that neutralize stomach acid, reduce stomach acid, and increase pH in the stomach as well as in the esophagus. In addition, magnesium also creates a buffer for the gastric mucosa, reducing the effect of pepsin enzyme. After oral administration, the drug is absorbed about 15 - 30% and metabolized, and finally excreted in the urine.
Ingredients Aluminum hydroxide - is an antacid, causing constipation. The drug reacts with HCL in the stomach, reducing the acid concentration in the stomach, thereby improving the symptoms of peptic ulcer disease, heartburn, heartburn, GERD syndrome. In addition, aluminum hydroxide also binds food phosphate in the stomach to form insoluble complexes and is excreted in feces, treating hyperphosphatemia in patients with renal failure or secondary hyperparathyroidism. After entering the body, the drug binds to serum proteins (albumin, transferrin) and is finally eliminated in the feces.
The nature of aluminum is to cause constipation, Magnesium has a laxative effect, so the combination of these two ingredients in Mathomax gel has both increased the effect of gastric antacid, and prevented constipation or diarrhea in patients with diabetes. when taking medication.

2. Indications of the drug Matomax gel

Mathomax gel is indicated in the following pathological cases:
Increased stomach acid due to acute or chronic gastritis - duodenal ulcer. Supports pain relief from stomach ulcers, promotes quick healing of ulcers. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Patient with gastritis. Patient with duodenal ulcer. Improve symptoms of abdominal distension, indigestion, flatulence during X-ray. Neutralize acid in poisoning with acid substances, corrosive substances that cause bleeding.

3. Contraindications of the drug Matomax gel

The medical condition must not use Mathomax gel
Allergy to Magnesium hydroxide, Aluminum hydroxide or any other ingredients of the drug. Patients with hypophosphataemia. Children under 5 years of age taking the drug are at risk of aluminum toxicity, especially children with severe dehydration or kidney failure. Note when using the drug Matomax gel
Monitor liver function and kidney function before and during the treatment of Mathomax gel for patients with liver failure, kidney failure. Pregnant and lactating women need to weigh the benefits of taking the drug. Children under 5 years of age take the drug as prescribed by a doctor due to the risk of kidney toxicity.

4. Matomax gel drug interactions

Some possible interactions when using Mathomax gel in combination with other drugs:
Iron salts, H2 receptor antagonists, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, fluoroquinolones, ketoconazole, mecamylamine, methenamine, Na polystyrene sulfonate resin, drugs Enteric film-coated tablets may alter the bioavailability of Matomax gel. Tetracycline co-administered with Matomax gel can form a precipitated complex.

5. Dosage and how to use Matomax gel

How to use
Mathomax gel is prepared in the form of an oral suspension. Patients with gastric - duodenal ulcer without complications take the drug 1-3 hours after eating and before going to bed. Patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastrointestinal bleeding, and stress ulcers take the drug once every hour, regardless of the meal. Dosage
Adults and children over 5 years old: Take 1 sachet/time x 3 times/day. Dosage can be changed according to the medical condition and condition of the patient as prescribed by the doctor.

6. Side effects of the drug Matomax gel

When using Matomax gel, patients may experience some of the following undesirable effects
Bitter mouth. Diarrhea or constipation in overdose. Abdominal stiffness, vomiting, nausea. Bloating, abdominal distension. In summary, Mathomax gel is an antacid (antacid) that neutralizes stomach acid in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is easy to use, highly effective and relatively benign, but it should not be abused because it can cause poisoning.
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