Abdominal pain, diarrhea with hard lumps in the abdomen, what to do?

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Hello doctor! I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with gastritis. I often vomit with diarrhea and abdominal pain. Today, when I woke up in the morning, I was a bit dizzy and felt a pain in the lower right abdomen. After that, I had diarrhea but after going to the toilet, my stomach pain stopped. In the afternoon, the feeling of abdominal pain reappeared, but it only lasted for 1-2 minutes. When I touched the abdomen carefully, I saw that there was a lump of something, and when I touched it, it felt a little painful. The doctor asked me what's wrong with my stomach? I look forward to consulting a doctor. Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer questions
Hello! You should see your doctor soon so that the doctor can determine exactly if you have an abdominal mass and determine what the nature of the mass in your lower right abdomen is. If it is a mass, it could be a tumor in the abdominal wall, an inflamed appendix that forms a mass, or a lump in the colon or in the abdomen. You should go to the hospitals of the Vinmec system for more specific examination and advice!
Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec Health System. Best regards!
Master, Doctor Vu Van Quan - Gastroenterologist - Department of General Surgery & Anesthesia - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital
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