Uses of Mactaxime

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Mactaxim 200 contains the main ingredient Cefixime. The drug is prepared in the form of film-coated tablets and is indicated for the treatment of infections and bacterial infections. Complying with the indications, the dose of Mactaxim will help patients improve the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects.

1. What is Mactaxime?

Mactaxime contains Cefixime - a 3rd generation Cephalosporin antibiotic, relatively stable to beta-lactamases secreted by bacteria. Mactaxime has a bactericidal effect by inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial cell walls.

2. Indications of the drug Mactaxime

Mactaxim is indicated for:
Treatment of respiratory tract infections such as: otitis media, acute and chronic pneumonia, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and bronchitis. Treatment of urinary-genital infections. Gonorrhea . Treatment of skin infections. Treatment of soft tissue infections. Treatment of typhoid fever. Prophylaxis of surgical infections.

3. Contraindications of the drug Mactaxime

Mactaxim is contraindicated in the following cases:
People with a history of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients and excipients contained in the drug Mactaxim. Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to cephalosporin antibiotics. Infants < 6 months old.

Dosage and how to take Mactaxime

Reference dosage:
Dosage for children from 12 years of age and older and adults: Each dose is 50-100 mg x 2 times/day. If the disease is severe, an increase in the dose of Mactaxim may be considered to 200 mg each time. Treatment of urinary tract infections caused by gonorrhea: Use a single dose of Mactaxim 400mg. In case the patient has renal failure, the dose of Mactaxime should be adjusted according to the specific prescription of the treating doctor. How to use:
Mactaxim is used orally, along with 1 cup of water. The patient should swallow the tablet whole. Mactaxim should not be chewed, broken or crushed because it can reduce the effectiveness of treatment. Note: The above dosage of Mactaxim is for reference only. The specific dose of Mactaxim depends on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Mactaxime, patients need to consult a doctor or medical professional.

5. Mactaxime side effects

At therapeutic doses, Mactaxim is well tolerated. However, the process of using Mactaxim, patients may still experience side effects such as:
Digestive disorders. Hives, itchy skin. Headache. Decrease in white blood cells, platelets and eosinophils. Liver and kidney function is impaired. Fever and joint pain. The side effects of Mactaxim are still being analyzed and monitored in patients with the same experimental results. It is not possible to confirm that the above are all effects of the drug Mactaxim. However, based on that, the patient can prevent dangerous effects caused by side effects.
In rare cases, Mactaxim can cause complications or interactions that are not manifest, often with serious consequences. To protect your own health and avoid serious effects when taking Mactaxim, patients should tell their doctor about any unusual signs. At the same time, you should carry out regular health check-ups according to the instructions of your doctor.

6. Mataxime drug interactions

Mactaxim may have an interaction reaction if used concurrently with:
Carbamazepine antiepileptic drugs because plasma concentrations may be increased. Probenecid increases urinary uric acid excretion because it increases and prolongs the action of Mactaxime 200. Anticoagulants used concurrently with Mactaxim 200 may increase the risk of bleeding. In addition, Mactaxim 200 may give a false-positive reaction in the urine ketones test. To avoid interactions, before being prescribed Mactaxime, patients should inform their doctor about all the drugs they are using, including functional foods. The doctor will base on that to prescribe the appropriate Mactaxim.

7. Notes when using and storing Mactaxim

It is necessary to carefully check the patient's history of allergy to penicillin or other cephalosporin antibiotics before starting treatment with Mactaxim 200. Caution should be taken when administering Mactaxim to patients with a history of diabetes. digestion and colitis. In case of missed dose of Mactaxim, it is advisable to make up for it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose of Mactaxim and use a new dose. When using an overdose of Mactaxime, the patient should stop taking the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment. For patients with renal impairment, the dose of Mactaxime should be adjusted accordingly. Pregnant and lactating women should not take Mactaxime. Store Mactaxim in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Keep Mactaxime out of the reach of children. Above is all information about Mactaxime, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Mactaxim is a prescription drug, patients need to use the drug as prescribed by the doctor, absolutely do not self-treat at home.

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