Uses of Langast

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The drug Langast 30 contains the main ingredient Lansoprazole with the effect of treating gastrointestinal diseases. So what is Langast drug and how to use it properly, let's find out through the article below.

1. What is Langast?

Langast 30 contains the main ingredient Lansoprazole 30mg. It is a potent inhibitor of acid secretion due to its inhibitory activity on the enzyme H+-K+- ATPase present on the parietal cell walls of the gastric mucosa and plays an important role as proton pumps. In clinical treatment, Lansoprazole accounts for a fast and high healing rate against gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. In addition, the drug is also effective in reducing gastroesophageal reflux disease and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

2. Effects of the drug Langast 30

Lansoprazole has the ability to inhibit H + / K + - ATPase, so it has a specific and irreversible inhibitory effect on the proton pump thanks to its selective effect on gastric parietal cells. Therefore, the drug works faster and is more effective than other drugs. Ulcer healing can reach 95% after 8 weeks of treatment.
In addition, the drug has little effect on pepsin secretion, gastric volume, intragastric factor and gastric contractility.

3. Indications - contraindications to the use of Langast

Langast medicine is indicated to treat some of the following cases:
Symptomatic treatment and healing of ulcers in patients with ulcers of the stomach, duodenum and esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux . Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Contraindicated for use in cases of malignant gastric ulcers or pregnant and lactating women.

4. Instructions for using Langast

The drug is used orally and should be taken in the morning before meals with the usual adult dose of 30mg/day. The duration of use depends on the type of disease such as duodenal ulcer used for 4 weeks, gastric ulcer - oesophagitis: Use 8 weeks. In the treatment of Zollinger - Ellison syndrome, the dose should be adjusted according to symptoms.

5. Side effects of the drug Langast

Langast medicine may cause some undesirable effects on some organs such as:
Hypersensitivity: Occasionally, rash and itching will appear. At that time, the patient should stop using the drug and contact the doctor immediately for treatment. Liver: When using the drug can lead to an increase in liver enzymes such as SGPT, SGOT, Phosphatase-alkali, LDH or G-GTP. This condition occurs infrequently, so in exceptional cases lansoprazole should be discontinued.

6. Interactions between Langast and other drugs

To date, there have been no reports of interactions between Langast 30 and other drugs when used concurrently. However, there are some studies that show that lansoprazole slows the metabolism and excretion of diazepam and phenytoin. Therefore, the patient needs to report to the doctor about all the drugs that he is taking to have the appropriate treatment.
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