Uses of Lanikson

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Lanikson is a drug belonging to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, often used in the treatment of diseases such as stomach ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease,... The following article provides detailed information about Lanikson drugs, invite readers to consult.

1. What is Lanikson?

Lanikson is a drug belonging to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, the drug is often used in the treatment of stomach diseases such as peptic ulcer disease, esophageal reflux disease, ... Lanikson drug has the main ingredient is Lansoprazole, the drug is Prepared in the form of tablets, the content of 30mg each tablet, 1 box has 10 blisters x 10 tablets. Lansoprazole is an inhibitor of gastric acid secretion because it inhibits the action of the proton pump, so it has a very good ulcer healing effect. The drug has little effect on gastric juice volume, pepsin secretion, gastric intrinsic factor and gastric contractility.
Lansoprazole is rapidly absorbed after oral administration. In the blood Lansoprazole is mainly bound to plasma proteins, the drug is eliminated in the urine, the half-life of the drug is from 30 to 90 minutes.

2. What does Lanikson do?

Lanikson drug is effective in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, specifically in the following cases:
Gastric ulcer - duodenal ulcer. Gastroesophageal reflux . Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

3. Dosage - how to take Lanikson

How to use: Lanikson is taken orally, the patient should take the tablet whole with a glass of water, drink it in the morning before eating.
Dosage: Lanikson is used as prescribed by a doctor, the dose of the drug varies depending on the type of disease as well as the medical condition of each person. The recommended dose for adults is 30mg/day:
In case of duodenal ulcer disease: The duration of treatment can be extended for 4 weeks. For peptic ulcer disease: The duration of treatment can last for 8 weeks. For gastroesophageal reflux disease: The duration of treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks. In Zollinger - Ellison syndrome: Adjust dose and duration of treatment according to patient's symptoms.

4. Contraindications of the drug Lanikson

Absolutely contraindicated using Lanikson in the treatment of cases of hypersensitivity or allergy to any ingredient of Lanikson drug or people with malignant peptic ulcer disease.

5. Unwanted effects when using the drug Lanikson

When using Lanikson medicine, you may experience unwanted effects such as:
You may experience symptoms of digestive disorders such as diarrhea or constipation, vomiting or nausea, abdominal pain. Symptoms may decrease or go away when you stop using the drug, you do not need to be too worried when experiencing these symptoms. Talk to your doctor for instructions on how to deal with these symptoms. You may experience skin symptoms such as a red rash, at this point there is no need to worry, this could be a sign that you are having a mild hypersensitivity to the drug, tell your doctor. to be monitored and choose the drug that is more suitable for you. In addition, you may experience other symptoms such as insomnia, dizziness, increased liver enzymes, because the drug is metabolized by the liver, so when taking the drug, it may increase slightly. Therefore, you do not need to worry too much about this problem, you should go to medical facilities to check liver enzymes regularly during treatment to make sure liver enzymes are still under control of the doctor.
If during the course of treatment, you experience unusual symptoms that cause much discomfort, you need to report it to your pharmacist or doctor so that the doctor can know the disease situation as quickly as possible and have appropriate treatment methods.

6. Notes when using the drug Lanikson

In the process of using Lanikson, you should note the following points:
You need to tell your doctor your medical history and the drugs you are using, because Lanikson may have a negative effect on the underlying disease as well as the underlying disease. your current medications, especially liver failure. You need to check liver enzymes, indicators of liver function during use of the drug, because Lanikson is metabolized by the liver, it can increase liver enzymes or worse, it can affect liver function in a way. serious. Therefore, if you have liver disease such as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, ... you need to check carefully before using the drug. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, you need to inform your doctor to be carefully considered before deciding to treat Lanikson, because there are no clear studies on the safety of the drug. for this target group. The effect of Lanikson on the work with machines has not been studied, so if you are a driver or operate machinery, you should inform your doctor to choose the right drug. The above is detailed information about the drug Lanikson, if you have more questions about the drug, please contact your pharmacist or doctor for answers to your problems.
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