Uses of Ladolugel LD

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Ladolugel ld belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, specializing in the treatment of symptoms caused by increased acid in the stomach. Besides the effective uses that the drug brings, ladolugel ld also causes some unwanted side effects.

1. What is Ladolugel ld?

What is Ladolugel ld? Ladolugel LD has the main ingredient is Aluminum phosphate gel 20% 12.38g, used for patients to use in cases such as:
Drugs used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease Symptomatic treatment of increased stomach acid Stomach ulcer in peptic ulcer Relieves symptoms caused by increased stomach acid such as heartburn, heartburn or indigestion due to increased acidity Prophylaxis and treatment of peptic ulcers and bleeding caused by stress.

2. Dosage and how to use Ladolugel ld

Dosage: The usual dose is from 1 to 2 packs/time, 3 times a day.
How to use: The drug is prepared in the form of an oral suspension, taken by mouth between meals or when the patient feels uncomfortable.
Step 1: Squeeze the pack with your hands until a homogeneous suspension is formed Step 2: Hold the pack upright, cut, or tear the pack Step 3: Squeeze the suspension through the mouth of the pack Step 4: The medicine is absorbed Use pure or use with drinking water. Contraindications:
Do not use for patients with hypersensitivity to Aluminum phosphate gel components or to any of the ingredients of the drug Do not use for patients with hypersensitivity to aluminum or aluminum-containing products Do not use for patients have severe kidney failure or are in need of dialysis

3. Be careful when using Ladolugel ld

Use caution when using Ladolugel ld in the following cases:
Avoid using the drug in high doses in patients with renal failure If antacids are treated for 2 weeks but no improvement is found. or symptoms do not subside such as bloating, heartburn, heartburn, you need to stop taking the medicine and go to the doctor for further advice. If the patient in the course of taking the drug has a constipation reaction, it can be alternated or switched to using magnesium-containing antacids. For pregnant women: Ladolugel ld belongs to the group of antacids that are quite safe to use for pregnant women. However, long-term use of the drug is not recommended in these cases. For women who are breastfeeding: Although the drug can be excreted in breast milk, the concentration of the drug in breast milk is quite low, not enough to affect the development of the infant.

4. Unwanted side effects of Ladolugel ld

Although rated as safe during use, Ladologel ld also brings unwanted side effects such as constipation. To avoid this side effect, patients should increase the amount of water they drink daily while using the drug. In addition, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the reaction you experience.

5. Drug interactions

The interaction of Ladolugel LD with other drugs, when used together, will cause unwanted side effects or affect the effectiveness of Ladolugel LD. Therefore, patients should tell their doctor or pharmacist what medicines they are taking to use them safely and effectively. Some drug interactions that can occur when taking Ladolugel LD such as:
All antacids, including Ladolugel ld, have the potential to decrease or increase the rate and extent of absorption of other drugs when taken concurrently. , either by altering the transit time of the drug through the gastrointestinal tract or by binding to the drug. Specifically, Tetracycline forms a complex with antacids, increasing the absorption of drugs into the body, so it is necessary to take this drug 1 to 2 hours before or after using Ladolugel LD. Antacids affect the absorption of some drugs such as digoxin, indomethacin, iron salts, isoniazid, clodiazepoxid, naproxen. Antacids increase the absorption of dicumarol, pseudoephedrine, diazepam. Antacids increase urine pH, at the same time reduce the elimination of weak base drugs, increase the elimination of weak acid drugs such as amphetamine, quinidine Ladologel ld belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs, prescribed by doctors to treat symptoms. symptoms due to increased acid in the stomach. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to strictly follow the instructions of the doctor, professional pharmacist.
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