Uses of Intaorli

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Intaorli drug is made in the form of hard gelatin capsules, the main ingredient is Orlistat. It is used in the treatment of obesity when taken with a reduced-calorie diet.

1. Uses of Intaorli

1 Intaorli tablet has the main ingredient of 120mg Orlistat (Intaorli 120) or 60mg Orlistat (Intaorli 60). Orlistat is a reversible inhibitor of lipases. The drug has therapeutic activity in the lumen of the stomach and small intestine by forming covalent bonds at the active serine sites of gastric and pancreatic lipases. Because lipase is inactivated, it loses its ability to hydrolyze dietary fats in the form of triglycerides into free fatty acids and absorbable monoglycerides. The triglycerides are not digested, not absorbed, causing a calorie deficit. Since then, the drug has a positive effect in weight control.
At the therapeutic dose of 120mg/time x 3 times/day, Orlistat inhibits the absorption of about 30% of fat in food. The effect of Orlistat causing increased fat in the stool will be seen 24 - 48 hours after taking the drug. When the drug is discontinued, the amount of stool droppings returns to pre-treatment levels, usually within 48-72 hours.
Indications for use of Intaorli:
Treatment of obesity (including weight loss and weight maintenance) when combined with a reduced calorie diet; Reduces the risk of gaining weight again after trying to lose weight before; Use for obese patients with other risk factors such as diabetes , hypertension , dyslipidemia . Contraindications to the use of Intaorli:
Patients with chronic malabsorption syndrome or cholestasis; People with hypersensitivity to Orlistat or other ingredients in the drug.

2. Usage and dosage of Intaorli

Usage: Orally. Patients should take the drug with 1 glass of water immediately before, during or up to 1 hour after eating. If you miss a meal or have a fat-free meal, you do not need to take Orlistat.
Dosage: 1 tablet x 3 times/day, taken with meals as an adjunct to diet and exercise.
Note when using the drug:
Dose of Intaorli more than 3 times a day does not increase the weight loss effect; If the patient is unable to lose weight after 12 weeks of treatment with Orlistat, a physician should be consulted. If necessary, the drug can be discontinued; A diet and exercise regimen are important components of a healthy weight loss program. Patients should follow a diet and exercise regimen before starting treatment with Orlistat; Patients should follow a nutritionally balanced and slightly reduced calorie diet. Should evenly distribute the daily amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates in 3 main meals; The program of diet and exercise should be continued after stopping treatment with Orlistat. Overdose: Single and multiple overdoses of 800 mg Orlistat and multiple doses up to 400 mg 3 times a day have been studied for 15 days in obese or normal-weight subjects without significant adverse effects. tell. In the event of an overdose of Intaorli, the patient should be monitored for 24 hours.

3. Side effects of Intaorli

When using Intaorli, patients may experience some side effects such as:
Digestive disorders: Flatulence, increased bowel movements, urgency, fatty stools, uncontrolled defecation; Other side effects: Infective diarrhea, tooth disorder, gum disorder, rectal pain/discomfort, vomiting, pain in the lower extremities, lower respiratory tract infection, myalgia, arthritis, confusion Arthritis, tendonitis, dizziness, headache, fatigue, sleep disturbance, menstrual irregularity, rash, vaginitis, urinary tract infection, ear infection, edema, anxiety, depression. When experiencing side effects of Intaorli, patients should immediately inform their doctor to receive appropriate advice on how to handle these problems.

4. Caution when using Intaorli

Some notes for patients to remember before and during Intaorli use:
It is necessary to rule out physical causes of obesity (eg hypothyroidism) before prescribing Intaorli; Patients should follow the instructions of the doctor when using Intaorli, especially building a suitable diet. Gastrointestinal disturbances may be increased when Orlistat is taken with a high-fat diet (more than 30% of total daily calories from fat); During the course of taking the drug, the patient should take a multivitamin containing fat-soluble vitamins to ensure adequate nutrition for the body (because Orlistat may reduce the absorption of some soluble vitamins). fat and beta-carotene). In addition, vitamin D and beta-carotene levels may be lower in obese people compared with healthy weight people. Vitamin supplementation should be done once a day, at least 2 hours before or after taking Intaorli (eg at bedtime); Some patients after taking Orlistat may have an increased concentration of oxalate in the urine. Caution should be exercised when prescribing Intaorli to patients with a history of urinary oxalate elevation or calcium oxalate kidney stones; Fat loss with Orlistat may also improve metabolic control in people with diabetes. Therefore, it may be necessary to reduce the dose of oral hypoglycemic agents (such as sulfonylurea, metformin) or insulin; There is a risk of inappropriate use of Orlistat in inappropriate patient groups (patients with bulimia or anorexia nervosa); There are not enough data on the use of Orlistat in pregnant women, so it is best not to use the drug for this group of people; It is not known whether Orlistat passes into breast milk or not, so it is best not to use it in nursing mothers; The safety and effectiveness of Orlistat has not been established in children under 12 years of age, so it should not be used in this group of people; There are insufficient data on the use of Orlistat in elderly patients. The effect of the drug in people with liver and kidney failure has not been studied. However, because Orlistat is poorly absorbed, no dose adjustment is required in the elderly or in patients with hepatic or renal impairment.

5. Intaorli . drug interactions

Some of the drug interactions of Intaorli include:
Concomitant use of alcohol with Orlistat did not alter the pharmacokinetics of alcohol and Orlistat (faecal excretion of fat) or absorption of Orlistat; Patients using Orlistat at the correct dose of 120mg/time x 3 times/day for 6 days did not affect the bioavailability of Nifedipine; In patients, use of Orlistat 120 mg 3 times a day for 6, 7, 23 days respectively with digoxin, phenytoin and oral contraceptives did not cause any change in the pharmacokinetics of these drugs. when taking a single dose; There are no drug interaction studies between Orlistat and cyclosporin. Because the absorption of cyclosporin can vary with different diets, caution should be exercised when Orlistat is administered with diet in patients receiving cyclosporin; When used concurrently with Orlistat, supplemental beta - carotene absorption is reduced by about 30%, vitamin E acetate is reduced by about 60%; The effect of Orlistat on the absorption of vitamins A, D and vitamin K derivatives is unknown; In patients receiving Orlistat 80 mg 3 times a day for 5 days, Orlistat did not change the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of glyburide; In hypercholesterolemic patients, Orlistat 120 mg 3 times a day for 10 days may have additive effects with the lipid-lowering effects of pravastatin. Concomitant use of pravastatin with Orlistat may increase plasma concentrations of pravastatin; Administration of Orlistat 120 mg 3 times a day for 16 days did not cause any change in the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of warfarin. Vitamin K levels tend to be decreased in patients taking Orlistat. Because vitamin K absorption may be reduced with Orlistat, patients on stable doses of warfarin for whom Orlistat are prescribed should be closely monitored for coagulation parameters. When using Intaorli, patients need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions on the dose and method of taking the drug. At the same time, patients still need to follow a reasonable diet, activity and exercise to keep fit, avoid overweight and obesity.
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