Uses of Hatrizole

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Hatrizol helps to quickly improve symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease - oesophagitis, control and prevent increased gastric acid secretion, reduce gastric - duodenal ulcers, ... effectively. So how should Hatrizol be used for the best?

1. What are the uses of Hatrizol?

1.1. What is Hatrizol? Hatrizol is indicated for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease. Hatrizol drug has the main ingredients Omeprazole 20mg, Excipients just enough for 1 tablet (Manitol, HPMC, methacrylic acid copolymer, sodium lauryl sulfate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, sucrose, titanium dioxide, PVP K30, calcium carbonate, talc, diethyl phthalate, polysorbate). 80, sodium hydroxide, sodium methyl paraben, sodium propyl paraben). The drug is prepared in the form of capsules containing enteric coated microparticles.
1.2. What does Hatrizol do? Omeprazol
is a drug that inhibits gastric acid secretion by reversible inhibition of the hydrogen-potassium adenosine triphosphatase enzyme system (this is also known as the proton pump) in the parietal cells of the stomach. The drug is fast acting, long lasting but reversible. The maximum effect is achieved after 4 days of taking the drug. The drug does not affect acetylcholine receptors, or histamine receptors. Hatrizol is indicated for use in the following cases: Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer disease and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

2. How to use the drug Hatrizole

Drugs for oral use. Take the medicine 30 minutes before breakfast.
As directed by the doctor. Reference dose as follows:
Treatment of esophagitis caused by gastroesophageal reflux: The usual dose is 1 - 2 tablets / time / day, used for 4 - 8 weeks; The next dose can be maintained with 1 tablet/time/day. Treatment of ulcers: Take 1 tablet / time / day, with severe cases can use 2 tablets. If it is a duodenal ulcer drink for 4 weeks. If it is peptic ulcer drink for 8 weeks. Treatment of Zollinger - Ellison syndrome: Take 3 tablets / time / day, if using a higher dose of 4 tablets, then divide into 2 times a day. Handling missed dose:
Take the dose as soon as you remember. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose, take your next dose as scheduled.
Do not take double the prescribed dose.
Treatment of overdose:
Symptoms: The drug is well tolerated, no symptoms of overdose have been reported. If you accidentally overdose and have serious side effects, immediately go to a medical center for timely treatment. Treatment is symptomatic, currently there is no specific treatment.

4. Notes when using the drug Hatrizole

The possibility of malignancy should be excluded before treatment, as the drug may mask symptoms, thereby delaying the diagnosis.
4.1. Ability to drive and use machines The drug can cause unwanted effects such as headache, drowsiness, dizziness, so it is not recommended to drive and operate machinery while taking the drug.
4.2. Pregnancy Experimentally, omeprazole has not been found to have the potential to cause malformations and toxicity to the fetus, but should not be used in pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months.
4.3. Lactation Omeprazole should not be used in nursing mothers.
4.4. Drug interactions Drugs prolong the elimination of diazepam, phenytoin, warfarin, drugs metabolized by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system.
Omeprazole may increase blood levels of cyclosporin, potentiate the effect of dicoumarol and H.pylori-killing antibiotics.
Omeprazole reduces the metabolism of nifedipine by at least 20% and may increase the effects of nifedipine.
Clarithromycin inhibits omeprazole metabolism and doubles omeprazole concentrations.

5. Side effects of the drug Hatrizole

The reported side effects are as follows:
Common: Headache, somnolence, constipation, abdominal distension, dizziness, vomiting, nausea. Uncommon: Insomnia, fatigue, transient elevation of liver transaminases, sensory disturbances, pruritus, urticaria. Rare: Sweating, peripheral edema, hypersensitivity such as angioedema, anaphylaxis, The above is important information about the drug Hatrizol, so before using the patient should carefully read the instructions for use and necessary You can consult with your doctor and pharmacist for the best possible use of the drug.

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