Uses of Varogel 10ml

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Varogel is prepared in the form of an oral suspension used to treat peptic ulcers, symptoms of increased gastric acid secretion, irritable bowel syndrome and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

1. What is Varogel 10ml?

Varogel 10ml is prepared in the form of an oral suspension. The drug is indicated for use to reverse unpleasant symptoms caused by stomach diseases. Each drug pack contains 10ml and is packed in a box of 20 packs.

2. Ingredients in the drug formula

Active ingredient:
Aluminum hydroxide gel: ~ 0.4 g aluminum oxide; Magnesium hydroxide 30% paste: ~0.8004 g Mg(OH)2; Simethicone 30% emulsion: ~0.08 g Simethicone. Excipients:
D-Sorbitol 70% solution; Xanthan gum, xylitol ; High Glycyrrhiza; Povidon K30; Avicel 59T; Stevion 100S; Chlorhexidine acetate; Malt flavor, peppermint flavor, ethanol; Pure water.

3. What does Varogel 10ml do?

Varogel is indicated for treatment in the following cases:
Treatment of acute and chronic peptic ulcers. Symptomatic treatment of heartburn, heartburn caused by increased gastric acid secretion and irritable stomach syndrome; Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). However, the drug Varogel should not be used in the following cases:
Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug Varogel; People with severe kidney failure; The patient has signs of hypophosphataemia; Patients with hypermagnesaemia; Children should not use Varogel medicine.

4. Dosage and how to use Varogel effectively

How to use Varogel:
Varogel is made in the form of a gel for oral use. Varogel should be taken between meals or 30 minutes to 2 hours after meals, in the evening before bedtime or when symptoms appear. Dosage of Varogel for adults:
The usual dose of Varogel for the treatment of acute and chronic peptic ulcers: Take 10ml (1 pack)/time, 2-4 times/day. The usual dose used to treat symptoms of gastric acid hypersecretion and irritable bowel syndrome, GERD is: Take 10ml (1 sachet)/time, 2-4 times/day. There are no studies on the use of Varogel in children. It is best to consult your doctor for more details.

5. Varogel side effects

Some side effects that you may experience when using Varogel 10ml include:
Bitter mouth, hard stomach, solid and white stools; Side effects of the drug Varogel include nausea and vomiting; Hypophosphataemia may occur with prolonged use of the drug or at high doses; Aluminum poisoning, osteomalacia can occur with patients with high blood urea syndrome; Dementia, microcytic anemia.

6. Handling overdosage or missed dose

Varogel overdose symptoms include nausea, vomiting, digestive irritation, diarrhea or constipation. Manage drug overdose with symptomatic and supportive treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to take the patient to a medical facility if signs of overdose are noticed.
If you forget to take a dose of Varogel, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and take your next dose at the scheduled time. Do not take twice the prescribed dose.

7. Interactions that occur when taking Varogel

When using Varogel, can reduce the concentration of the following drugs:
Tetracycline drugs; Drugs Digoxin; Indomethacin drug; Iron salts; Isoniazid drug; Allopurinol; Benzodiazepines. Corticosteroids; Penicillamine drugs; Phenothiazines; Ranitidine drugs; Ketoconazole drug; Itraconazole drug. In addition, if you are taking any drugs, vitamins or supplements, you need to inform your doctor before using Varogel.

8. Notes when using Varogel 10ml

Varogel should be used in the correct dosage and manner of use; Note, if after 2 weeks the symptoms do not improve, consult a medical professional (doctor/pharmacist); In terms of dosage, should not use Varogel ≥ 6 packs/day without a doctor's prescription; Use caution when using Varogel for people with congestive heart failure, kidney failure, edema, cirrhosis, taking a low-sodium diet and people who have recently suffered from gastrointestinal bleeding; Elderly people may experience constipation and solid stools when using the drug; Periodic monitoring of phosphate levels during long-term treatment with Varogel; Varogel drug does not affect the central nervous system with symptoms such as headache, dizziness... Therefore, using Varogel will not affect the ability to drive and operate machines; For pregnant and lactating women: Antacids are generally considered safe, as long as they are not used long-term and in high doses. However, there have been reports of adverse effects such as increased or decreased blood magnesium, increased tendon reflexes in the fetus and neonate. Therefore, care should be taken when using Varogel in pregnant women; Lactation: The drug is excreted in breast milk but not enough to cause adverse effects in a nursing infant. Therefore, to ensure safety on children, should be very cautious when using Varogel. How to store Varogel:
Keep Varogel out of reach of children and pets. Store Varogel in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct exposure to light or keep the medicine in humid places. The best storage temperature is < 30oC. The above is information about the uses, dosage and usage of Varogel. You need to read the instructions for use carefully, consult your doctor / pharmacist before use. Absolutely do not arbitrarily buy drugs to treat at home because there may be unwanted side effects.

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