Uses of Gentastad 80mg

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What is Gentastad, is it an antibiotic? In fact, Gentastad 80mg is an antibiotic of the Aminoglycoside group, containing the main ingredient Gentamicin, used in the treatment of a number of bacterial and infectious conditions.

1. What is Gentastad?

Gentastad 80mg belongs to the group of drugs to treat parasites, infections, viruses and fungi, with the main ingredient being Gentamicin (in the form of Gentamicin sulfate) 80mg. Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity.
Gentastad medicine 80mg is prepared in the form of an injection solution, packed in a 2ml vial and is indicated for use in the following cases:
Infections of the biliary tract (including cholecystitis and acute cholangitis. meningitis , endocarditis , pneumonia . urinary tract (acute pyelonephritis) Prophylaxis of infection after surgery In addition, Gentastad 80mg is often used in combination with other bactericidal agents to increase the therapeutic effect and broaden the antibacterial spectrum. For example, in combination with penicillins to treat intestinal infections caused by cocci and streptococci, in combination with beta-lactams to treat blue pus bacilli, in combination with clindamycin or metronidazol to treat strains of bacteria. aerobic or anaerobic.

2. Usage and dosage of Gentastad 80mg

Gentastad 80mg is administered by intramuscular route. Note, do not inject the drug under the skin because it can cause skin necrosis. If intramuscular injection is not possible, intravenous infusion can be substituted but not continuously. In case of intermittent infusion, it is necessary to mix Gentastad 80mg with isotonic sodium chloride or glucose solution in a 1:1 ratio (ie 1ml of infusion solution to 1mg of drug) and infuse over a period of 30 - 60 minutes.
Dosage of Gentastad 80mg is as follows:
Adults: 3mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 2-3 times a day. Children from 1 year and older: 1 - 1.5mg/kg body weight/time, 8 hours apart. Children from 1 week to 12 months: 1.5 - 2mg/kg body weight/time, 8 hours apart. Newborns under 10 days old: 2-3mg/kg body weight/time, 12 hours apart. For patients with renal failure, the dose of Gentastad 80mg should be adjusted and renal function monitored regularly. In addition, vestibular and cochlear function should also be monitored, and serum drug levels should be checked.
Overdosage of Gentastad 80mg should be treated symptomatically and supportively. To remove the drug from the blood in patients with renal failure, hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis can be used. To treat neuromuscular blockade, anticholinesterase drugs, calcium salts, or artificial respiration can be used.

3. Side effects of the drug Gentastad 80mg

Gentastad medicine 80mg can cause some unwanted effects such as damage to the cochlea and vestibule. In addition, the frequency of unwanted symptoms when taking the drug is as follows:
Uncommon: Reversible nephrotoxicity, acute renal failure, inhibition of neuromuscular transmission, in some cases, respiratory failure may occur. aspiration and muscle paralysis, pain, congestion and conjunctival edema with subconjunctival injection, retinal ischemia when injected intraocularly. Rarely: Gentastad 80mg rarely causes anaphylactic reactions, liver dysfunction. If there are strange symptoms after taking the drug, the patient should be checked by a doctor immediately.

4. Notes when using Gentastad 80mg

Do not use Gentastad 80mg in people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug, Aminosides antibiotics, pregnant or lactating women, people with myasthenia gravis. Children, the elderly, patients with kidney failure, Parkinson's disease, renal dysfunction and hearing loss should be cautious when taking Gentastad 80mg at high doses or for a long time. Women, people with liver disease, low blood pressure have a higher risk of nephrotoxicity when taking Gentastad 80mg. During the use of Gentastad 80mg, the patient must not participate in activities that require alertness and concentration such as driving or operating machinery. Concomitant use of Gentastad 80mg with certain other drugs may cause nephrotoxicity and hearing loss. Concomitant administration of Indomethacin may increase plasma concentrations of Aminoglycosides. Concomitant administration of Gentastad 80 mg with antiemetics may mask the first symptoms of vestibular toxicity. The drug may be incompatible with some other drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to read the instructions of the drug carefully before taking it. The use of Gentastad 80mg is to kill some types of bacteria that cause infections in the respiratory tract, urinary tract, blood, meninges, bones and joints and skin. In addition, the drug is also used in the prophylaxis of infections in patients after surgery. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Gentastad exactly as directed by your doctor.

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