Uses of Gel-aphos

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Gel-aphos is a drug commonly used in the treatment of a number of gastroduodenal conditions. So what is the use of Gel-aphos and how to use this medicine?

1. Uses of Gel-aphos

Gel-aphos medicine is prepared in the form of oral suspension (gel) with the main ingredient in each package is Aluminum phosphate 20% Gel 12.38g (equivalent to 2,476g Aluminum phosphate).
Aluminum phosphate is an antacid. This active ingredient works to reduce excess gastric acid but does not neutralize acid. The drug is formulated in the form of a colloid that forms a protective mucus-like film that covers a large area of ​​the gastrointestinal mucosa. The protective film with finely dispersed aluminum phosphate helps to quickly heal inflammation and ulcers, protects the gastric mucosa against impact, and makes the patient feel immediately comfortable.
Gel-aphos antacid release rate theoretically: 80 - 100% in 30 minutes. Aluminum phosphate does not dissolve in water, does not collect phosphate from food, so does not cause phosphorus loss.
Thanks to the above active ingredient, Gel-aphos is indicated in the following cases:
Acute and chronic gastritis. Gastroduodenal ulcer Hernia of the esophagus. Gastro-oesophageal reflux and complications such as esophagitis. Burning sensation and indigestion. Gel-aphos is contraindicated in the following cases:
Do not use in patients with severe chronic renal failure. People who are sensitive to the components of the drug. Use caution when using Gel-aphos in the following cases:
Avoid long-term high-dose treatment in people with renal failure. Gel-aphos can be used during pregnancy and lactation, but prolonged high doses should be avoided.

2. Dosage and how to use Gel-aphos

Gel-aphos is taken orally, the patient can drink it whole or mix it with a little water.
Patients with hiatal hernia, gastric reflux, esophagus: Take the drug after meals or before going to bed. Ulcer disease: Take the drug 1-2 hours after meals and when there is pain. Gastritis, indigestion : Take the drug before meals. The dose of Gel-aphos drug should be adhered to as prescribed by the doctor. Reference dose is as follows:
Adults: Use dose 1-2 packs, 2-3 times a day.
Under 6 months: Use a dose of 1/4 sachet or 1 teaspoon after every 6 meals. Over 6 months: Use 1/4 sachet or 2 teaspoons after every 4 meals.

3. Side effects of the drug Gel-aphos

During the use of Gel-aphos, you may experience constipation, especially in bedridden patients, or the elderly, in this case, you should add water. However, with the current Gel-aphos product formula, which has added a 70% sorbitol solution, constipation has been overcome.

4. Gel-aphos drug interactions with other drugs

Caution when combining Gel-aphos with:
Antibacterial drugs (cyclines, fluoroquinolones, anti-tuberculosis drugs: Ethambutol, lincosamide, isoniazid). Antihistamines H2 Atenolol Metoprolol Propranolol Chloroquin Diflunisal digoxin Diphosphonat Sodium fluoride Prednisolone Dexamethasone Indometacin Kayexalat Ketoconazole Phenothiazine tranquilizers Penicillamine Iron salts. Absorption of these drugs is reduced when used together with Gel-aphos. If necessary, patients should take Gel-aphos more than 2 hours apart if possible and 4 hours apart from fluoroquinolones.
Using Gel-aphos with Lactitol reduces stool acidification. Do not combine these two drugs in case of cirrhotic encephalopathy. Combined use of Gel-aphos with salicylates will increase the renal excretion of salicylates due to alkalinization of the urine. Gel-aphos is a medication commonly used in the treatment of a number of gastroduodenal conditions. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to take the drug according to the prescription or consult a doctor, professional pharmacist.
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