Uses of Gatanin

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Gatanin belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs with the main ingredient being N-Acetyl-DL-Leucine, effective against dizziness due to various causes. The drug can be used to treat dizziness caused by high blood pressure, lack of blood flow to the brain, headache or poisoning.

1. What is Gatanin?

Gatanin drug whose main ingredient is N-Acetyl-DL-Leucin has long been used in clinical practice to reduce imbalance and treat dizziness with any cause such as Meniere, cerebral ischemia, drunkenness, motion sickness, vestibular neuritis, acute and chronic otitis media,... After taking the active ingredient N-Acetyl-DL-Leucin, the maximum plasma concentration will be reached about 2 hours. Gatanin is usually prescribed in the following cases:
Dizziness due to changes in blood pressure The blood in the body cannot circulate to the parts of the body Dizziness when having to work continuously for a long time Dizziness face when experiencing stress, stress Dizziness due to drug poisoning, migraine, reflex dizziness Gatanin drug is contraindicated for the following subjects:
Patients who are sensitive to any component of Gatanin Pregnant women Pregnancy and lactation Patients with severe renal impairment Patients with extrapyramidal disorders Elderly, young children or people who drive or operate machinery

2. Dosage of the drug Gatanin

Gatanin drug is usually used orally, taken with meals with a dose depending on the subject and treatment goal, specifically as follows:
Adults: take 3-4 tablets (500mg)/day divided into 2 -3 times, from 10 days to a maximum of 5-6 weeks, the dose can be increased up to 6-8 tablets/day divided into 2-3 times If using 500mg/5ml injection form, it should be given slowly intravenously depending on into a state of dizziness that occurs continuously. If daily dose will be 2 ampoules (up to 4 ampoules if necessary) for the duration of treatment depending on the response of the patient.

3. Gatanin side effects

In some patients when using Gatanin, side effects may occur such as:
Fatigue, headache, headache Digestive disorders: indigestion, abdominal pain passing stool Feeling restless, nervous Skin paleness or the appearance of itchy red spots

4. Be careful when using Gatanin

Some general notes when using Gatanin:
Do not exceed the indicated dose of Gatanin Be careful when using Gatanin for the following subjects: the elderly, pregnant women, lactating women, children Children under 15 years old, patients with liver and kidney failure, sensitive to the components of the drug. Do not arbitrarily apply information on Gatanin drug interactions if you are not a person with drug expertise. It's important to remember that drug interactions are often complicated by the effects of many of the ingredients in a drug. Consider taking your medication with alcohol, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or fermentation. The above are the uses of Gatanin, knowing the information will help the drug use process be more effective and safe for the patient's health.

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