Side effects of Betaserc.

In the prescription for people having tinnitus, dizziness, vestibular …, there is often Betaserc. So, what is Betaserc used for, and does it have any health effects on us?

1. Active ingredients of Betaserc and its uses

Betaserc is prescribed to treat dizziness with the main ingredient named Betahistine.

Betahistine helps relax the precapillary sphincter, improving the circulation of the inner ear. It also controls the inner ear’s permeability capillaries to reduce the inner ear lymphatic fluid. In addition,Betaserc also improves cerebral circulation, increasing blood flow through the internal carotid artery and vertebral artery.

Therefore, Betaserc is often prescribed for patients with Meniere's syndrome, dizziness, tinnitus, vomiting, headache, hearing loss, and dizziness.

2. Dosage of Betaserc

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, it's best to take Betaserc with food. The drug then is rapidly and completely absorbed. In addition, the drug's excretion is through the urine as a metabolite, 2-pyridylacetic acid.

In fact, the indication will depend on the age and medical condition for the appropriate dose. However, you can refer to the following dosage:

1-2 tablets of 8mg x 3 times/day, 1⁄2-1 tablets of 16mg x 3 times/day
or 1 tablet of 24mg x 2 times/day.

One should use Betaserc for a period of 2-3 months for the best treatment effect.

The drug is not recommended for children under 18.

3. Precautions of Betaserc

3.1 Dosage

Betaserc comes in 3 different strengths including:
Betaserc 16 mg. 3 x 20's. 
Betaserc 24 mg. 5 x 10's. 
Betaserc 8 mg. 4 x 25's.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the dose prescribed to achieve the best therapeutic effect.

3.2 Side effects

A small number of patients will experience side effects when taking the drug. These reactions include: vomiting, indigestion, headache, allergies, mild stomach pain, etc which are quite mild and will quickly disappear after the course of drug treatment is over.

If you're a careful patient, you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on handling side effects.

Besides, to limit side effects, patients should note that:

Talk to doctors and pharmacists about all prescription and non-prescription drugs and supplements that you're taking.
Take the prescribed or recommended dose, do not increase or decrease the dose without consultants. 
Do not skip meals or eat too much because it will cause negative effects on health. 
Do not use alcohol while taking the drug.
Do not let yourself be stressed and fatigued because that can worsen the condition.

3.3 Contraindications of Betaserc

Patients with peptic ulcer, adrenal myeloma should not use the drug 
Hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the drug 
Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take the drug because it can cause some adverse effects to the baby.

Above is important information about Betaserc drug. Before using, the patient should read the instructions carefully, and if necessary, consult a professional doctor.

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