Uses of Fudvita

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Fudvita belongs to the group of vitamin and mineral drugs. Fudvita is sold at drugstores nationwide under the guidance of doctors/pharmacists. Let's find out more about what Fudvita is? For what cases and how to use it... in the following article.

1. What is Fudvita?

Fudvita belongs to the category of vitamin and mineral supplements. Fudvita medicine is manufactured by Phuong Dong Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company - VIETNAM, under registration number VD - 11670 - 10.
Main ingredients in Fudvita include:
Iron fumarate content 170mg; Folic Acid 0.85mg. Fudvita medicine is prepared in soft capsule form with different packing forms such as box of 2 blisters, 3 blisters, 6 blisters, 10 blisters, 25 blisters, 50 blisters x 10 tablets/box. Or bottled form of 30 tablets, 60 tablets, 100 tablets, 200 tablets, 500 soft capsules/bottle.

2. Uses of the drug Fudvita

Fudvita is a prescription vitamin supplement. Fudvita contains ingredients including iron and folic acid.
Iron fumarate is an inorganic salt that plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin, myoglobin and the respiratory enzyme cytochrome C. A normal person without iron deficiency, needs 0.5 -1mg of iron per day. At important times such as pregnancy, childbirth, young children, teenagers,... the demand for iron also increases.
Folic acid contained in Fudvita is a vitamin of group B. This ingredient is reduced to Tetrahydrofolate which is a coenzyme. It plays an important role in many metabolic processes. In which, the most typical is the synthesis of purine- or pyrimidine nucleotides.
Therefore, folic acid affects the ability of nucleoprotein synthesis and normal red blood cell formation. Folic acid deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anemia.
In addition, folic acid in Fudvita also helps convert serin into glycin, deoxyuridylate into thymidylate to create DNA - thymin. In addition, this active ingredient is also involved in the modification of amino acids. With the above mechanism of action, Fudvita is a vitamin used to supplement in cases of iron and folic acid deficiency as indicated.

3. Indications for taking Fudvita

Fudvita drug is indicated for the following subjects:
Treatment/prophylaxis of iron and folic acid deficiency in pregnant and lactating women; Subjects with poor iron absorption; People who have just had their stomach removed; Chronic enteritis; Fatigue blue skin during menstruation; Prolonged menorrhagia. Although Fudvita is a vitamin and mineral supplement, to be safe you need to use it according to the indications.

4. Dosage, how to use Fudvita

Fudvita is used orally because the drug is made in tablet form. To better absorb the ingredients in Fudvita, you should take the medicine according to the instructions.
Dosage of Fudvita is 1 tablet / day or according to the instructions and prescription of the doctor / pharmacist.

5. Contraindications to taking Fudvita

Do not use Fudvita drug for the following subjects:
Allergy, hypersensitivity to ingredients in Fudvita; Other iron-containing drugs; Esophageal asthma; Bag along the gastrointestinal tract; Iron-contaminated tissue disease; Hemosiderin infection; Hemolytic anemia ; Anemia due to marrow failure; Malignant tumor; Suspected cancer; Children under 6 years old and the elderly. Fudvita is a form of tonic, but when used with caution. The group of subjects contraindicated to not use Fudvita.

6. Fudvita drug side effects

Fudvita medicine can cause some side effects such as:
Diarrhea; Constipation; Dark stools; Anorexia; Nausea; Stomach cramps; Vomiting; Medal; Rash; Shortness of breath ; Chest tightness; Edema; Fever; Bloody stools. Inform your doctor about side effects when taking Fudvita to be managed.

7. Interactions with other drugs

Fudvita may cause interactions with the following drugs:
Penicillamine; Chloramphenicol; Quinolones ; Bisphosphonates; Levodopa; Methyldopa; Levothyroxine. Tell your doctor about the medicines you are taking when there is an indication of iron and folic acid supplementation with Fudvita.

8. Warnings and Precautions for Fudvita

Fudvita is a drug used in cases of vitamin supplements, but when used also needs to be used with caution. Some warnings are given when using Fudvita:
Use Fudvita when indicated; Children under 6 years old and people over 65 years old should not take Fudvita. During the use of Fudvita, please monitor to promptly detect abnormalities and effectively handle them.
Fudvita has the effect of supplementing iron and folic acid according to the advice and guidance of the doctor / pharmacist in certain cases. Do not arbitrarily use Fudvita because it can cause interactions and side effects. Store Fudvita at room temperature.

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