Uses of Flexbumin 20% (bag of 50ml)

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Flexbumin 20% (50ml bag) is indicated for the treatment of albumin deficiency. In this article, Central Pharmacy would like to send to readers how to use and notes when using Flexbumin 20% (50ml bag).

1. What is Flexbumin 20% (bag of 50ml)?

Drug group: Blood, Blood products - Macromolecular solution
Manufacturer: Baxalta US Inc. - America.
Packing: Box of 1 plastic bag Galaxy 50ml.
Ingredients: Each bag of Flexbumin 20% (50ml bag) contains:
Albumin (person): 20% with 10g content.
Other excipients with enough for 1 bag of infusion, including: sodium caprylate, sodium acetyl tryptophan, sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, HCl, distilled water for injection just enough.
Sodium Anion concentration: 130-160 mmol/l.

2 . Uses of flexbumin 20% (bag of 50ml)

Albumin plays an extremely important role, it makes up more than half of the total protein in plasma, and accounts for about 10% of protein synthesized by the liver. It produces 70-80% of the osmotic pressure of the plasma colloid, and is also a carrier protein, capable of binding to drug molecules and toxins in the circulation.
The drug produces an osmotic pressure 4 times the osmotic pressure of normal human plasma.
2.1 Indications Hypoalbuminemia due to malnutrition, burns, infection, hemorrhage, respiratory distress syndrome, nephrotic syndrome,... Decreased volume of circulation. Hemolysis in neonates. Coronary artery bypass surgery. 2.3 Dosage - How to take Flexbumin 20% (50ml bag) Dosage:
Dosage and rate of infusion should be adjusted according to the patient's circulatory status.
Decrease in blood albumin: 80-100mg/kg body weight. The daily dose should not exceed 2g/kg body weight. Burns: Administer first 24 hours after burn, dose according to patient's condition and response. Hypovolemic shock: Initial dose: Adults 125-250 ml, children 3-6ml/kg body weight. If the initial dose is inadequate, the dose can be reinstated after approximately 15-30 minutes. Neonatal hemolysis: Administer 1ml/kg before or after a blood exchange. How to use:
Use by intravenous line. Do not dilute with water for injection as it may cause hemolysis. However, it can be diluted in isotonic solutions such as Glucose 5% or Sodium chloride 0.9% in a ratio of 3:1 (ie 3 parts isotonic solution, 1 part drug). Do not add drugs to the infusion fluid, do not mix with blood products. Do not mix with alcohol or hydrolyzed proteins to avoid protein precipitation. Pay attention to check the patient's hemodynamics to avoid circulatory overload, hemodynamic indicators should be noted: Blood pressure and heart rate, central venous pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, electrolyte levels , hematocrit, clinical signs of heart failure, increased cranial pressure.
2.4 Treatment of Overdose Hypoglycaemia may occur if the dose and infusion rate are too high. In case of overdose, it can lead to headache, difficulty breathing, increased blood pressure, pulmonary edema,... In case of overdose, it is necessary to immediately stop the infusion and carefully monitor the hemodynamic index.

3. Side effects when using Flexbumin 20% (bag of 50ml)

Some unwanted effects may be encountered when infusion:
Gastrointestinal disorders: nausea, vomiting. Skin - soft tissue disorders: skin rash, skin flushing. Immune system disorders: anaphylaxis (very rare). Myocardial infarction, tachycardia. Infusion reaction: fever. It is necessary to inform the doctor about the unwanted effects that may be encountered during the infusion for timely handling measures.

4. Drug interactions

Prekallikrein can convert Kininogen to Kinin in the blood plasma causing hypotension.
People with kidney failure have used Albumin in large amounts, when using Albumin solution containing aluminum can cause bone diseases, brain-related diseases.

5. Note when using Flexbumin 20% (50ml bag)

Contraindicated in the following subjects:
Hypersensitivity to albumin or any of the excipients of the drug. Severe anemia. Heart failure. Notes and cautions:
Check the integrity of the packaging before transmission, see if it is leaking, check by squeezing the bag tightly. If a leak is found, it should be removed immediately to avoid contamination. Check the clarity of the infusion: the solution is transparent or slightly turbid, if there are suspended particles or abnormal colors, it must be discarded. Do not administer the infusion if the package has been opened for more than 4 hours, and any remaining infusion should be discarded. All operations must be performed by medical staff, ensuring aseptic stitches. Medical staff must pay attention to monitor the rate of infusion, the patient's progress before, during and after the infusion. There have been no reports of adverse effects on drivers and the use of machines. The drug has been shown to be safe when used in children at weight-appropriate doses. However, safety in pediatric patients is unknown. Caution for use in pregnant women and nursing mothers
The safety of the drug in pregnant women and nursing mothers has not been fully studied, so use only when absolutely necessary and in moderation. carefully weigh the benefits-risks.
Store at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius, do not let the medicine freeze. Avoid exposure to direct light.

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