Uses of Euca

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Euca drug has the main active ingredients Codeine, Eucalyptol, Bromoform, Guaiacol and Phenol. This is a medicine that works on the respiratory tract with the effect of treating dry cough.

1. What is Euca drug?

Drug group: Drugs with effects on the respiratory tract Dosage form: Soft capsules Packing: Box of 7 blisters x 6 soft capsules Main active ingredients: Codeine, Eucalyptol, Bromoform, Guaiacol and Phenol . 1.1. About the composition of Codein Pharmacodynamics of the active ingredient:
Codeine is an analgesic, cough suppressant and induces sleep. In particular, the effect of reducing cough is due to the active ingredient Codeine acting directly on the cough center in the medulla oblongata. Codeine dries respiratory secretions and increases the viscosity of bronchial secretions. Codeine is used to treat a dry cough that causes insomnia. Eucalyptol has expectorant and antibacterial effects. Camphor, Guaiacol have expectorant effect. Pharmacokinetics of Codeine:
After oral administration, the elimination half-life of Codeine is 2-4 hours, the cough suppressant effect appears after 1-2 hours and can last for about 4-6 hours. Codeine is metabolised mainly in the liver and eliminated by the kidneys. Codeine and metabolites are excreted in the feces very little. Active ingredient Codeine crosses the placenta and a small amount crosses the blood-brain barrier. Camphor is hydroxylated in the liver to the hydroxyl metabolite camphor, which conjugates with glucuronic acid and is excreted in the urine. Camphor crosses the placenta. Effect of Codeine:
Codeine is a methylmorphine that replaces the position of hydrogen in the hydroxyl group associated with the aromatic nucleus in the Morphine molecule. Therefore, the active ingredient Codeine has analgesic and cough-reducing effects. However, codeine is better absorbed when taken orally, is less constipating, and causes less bile spasm than morphine. At usual therapeutic doses, less bile constriction than morphine) and less addictive than morphine.
Codeine has analgesic effect in cases of mild to moderate pain (the analgesic effect of codeine may be due to a conversion of about 10% of the dose used to morphine). The reason is that the active ingredient Codeine causes constipation if used for a long time, so it is recommended to use Codein in combination with drugs of the anti-inflammatory, non-steroidal analgesics group to increase pain relief and relieve constipation. Codeine has a cough suppressant effect due to its direct action on the cough center in the medulla oblongata. Codeine dries the airways and increases the viscosity of bronchial secretions. However, Codeine is not effective enough to relieve cough in severe cases. Codeine is a cough medicine in cases of dry cough that makes it difficult to sleep.
Codeine causes a decrease in intestinal motility, so it is a very good drug in the treatment of diarrhea in people with diabetes. However, Codeine is not indicated for use in acute diarrhea and diarrhea due to infection.
1.2. About Eucalyptol Ingredients General description of active ingredients:
Eucalyptol has a purity of 99.6 to 99.8% obtained by fractional distillation of eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptol can be found in laurel, tea tree oil, camphor, wormwood, basil, wormwood, rosemary, and several other aromatic leaf plants. Effect: Active ingredient Eucalyptol has an antiseptic effect, is an ingredient used in many mouthwashes and cough medicines.

2. What disease does Euca treat?

Euca is effective in the treatment of dry coughs that cause discomfort.

3. Usage and dosage of the drug Euca

Usage: Euca drug is prepared in the form of soft capsules, suitable for oral use. The time to take the drug is during or after meals.
Treatment dose of the drug:
For adults: Take 2-3 tablets x 2-3 times/day. For children over 5 years old: take half the usual therapeutic dose of adults.

4. In case of overdose or forgetting dose of Euca

In case of Codeine overdose:
Symptoms: respiratory depression (reduced breathing rate, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, cyanosis). Besides, overdose can lead to lethargy or coma, soft muscles, cold and moist skin, sometimes slow pulse and low blood pressure. In severe cases: respiratory arrest, pulse collapse, cardiac arrest and possibly death. Treatment: Patients who overdose on drugs need to go to the nearest medical facility. Physicians may prescribe respiratory resuscitation by providing oxygen and controlled respiratory support. Indicate Naloxon immediately by intravenous injection in severe cases.

5. Undesirable effects of the drug Euca

Common undesirable effects at therapeutic doses: headache, dizziness, dry throat, nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, urinary retention, little urine, heart rhythm disturbances, nervousness, weakness, fatigue orthostatic hypotension.
Rare reactions such as: rash, urticaria, anaphylaxis, respiratory depression, sedation, euphoria, restlessness, hallucinations, disorientation, visual disturbances, convulsions, stomach pain, bile duct spasms, circulatory failure, flushing, sweating or fatigue.
You need to actively inform the treating doctor of the unwanted effects encountered when using Euca medicine.

6. Some notes when using Euca

Precautions when using the drug in the following cases:
Due to the risk of respiratory depression, use codeine-containing drugs only for the relief of moderate acute pain in children over 12 years of age when these drugs Other pain relievers such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are not effective. Codeine should only be used at the lowest effective dose for the shortest duration. The use of products containing Codeine is not recommended for children and children with respiratory problems (e.g. difficulty breathing or wheezing during sleep....). Use caution when using Euca for children under 12 years old (due to limited research information on the effects of the drug for this population). Respiratory diseases such as asthma, emphysema. Impaired liver or kidney function, or a history of drug addiction. Use Euca with caution in debilitated or recent thoracic or abdominal surgery. Do not use to relieve cough in purulent pulmonary diseases, bronchi when it is necessary to cough up purulent sputum. Do not drink alcohol while taking Euca. Euca should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. Euca drug has the main active ingredients Codeine, Eucalyptol, Bromoform, Guaiacol and Phenol. This is a medicine that works on the respiratory tract with the effect of treating dry cough. To ensure the effectiveness of treatment and avoid side effects, patients need to take medicine according to prescription or consult a doctor, professional pharmacist.
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