Uses of Elofan 10

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Élofan 10 is manufactured and registered by Éloge France Vietnam Pharmaceutical Joint Venture Company, which belongs to the group of gastrointestinal drugs. Please refer to some information about Élofan 10 in the article below that will help you know how to use the drug appropriately.

1. What is Elofan 10?

Élofan medicine has the main ingredient containing the active ingredient Racecadotril with a strength of 10mg. The drug is prepared in the form of powder for oral suspension, packing box includes 30 packs, 10 packs or 6 packs, with a content of 1 gram / 1 pack.

2. The effect of the drug Elofan 10

The active ingredient Racecadotril in Élofan, also known as Acetorphan, acts as a peripheral Enkephalinase inhibitor. Racecadotril is effective in the treatment of acute diarrhea based on the mechanism of electrolyte depletion and water secretion into the intestinal lumen. Élofan can also be used in combination with Oresol to help increase the effectiveness of treatment by quickly replacing lost water and electrolytes of the body.
Élofan is indicated for use in the following cases:
Indication for symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea in many subjects, such as adults, children and infants.

3. How to use and dose Élofan 10

How to use Élofan 10:
Élofan is prepared in the form of powdered medicine mixed with oral suspension. The patient mixes the drug pack with a sufficient amount of water and takes it orally. Use the drug with filtered water, avoid using with other stimulant substances. The drug is not affected by food, the time of use is flexible. Dosage of Élofan 10:
When taking Élofan, it should be combined with rehydration therapy. In adults and children older than 15 years: The recommended starting dose is 1 100 mg tablet at any time, followed by 1 additional 100 mg tablet every 8 hours until diarrhea stops. Do not use more than 400mg in a day. If the treatment lasts for 7 days but the symptoms do not improve, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a reasonable adjustment. In children: Use oral powder preparations with concentrations of 10mg and 30mg. The first day: Take the starting dose with 1 dose, 4 times a day. The next days: Use 3 doses a day, maximum use in 7 days. Children from 1 to 9 months old (equivalent to less than 9kg): 1 pack of 10mg/dose. Children from 9 to 30 months old (equivalent to 9 to 13kg): 2 packs of 10mg/dose. Children from 30 months to 9 years old (equivalent to 13 to 27 kg): 1 pack of 30mg/dose. Children over 9 years old (equivalent to over 27kg): 2 packs of 30mg/day.

4. Undesirable effects of the drug Elofan 10

During treatment with Élofan, patients may experience some unwanted effects such as: Nausea, drowsiness, headache, constipation.
Although adverse effects are rare and disappear when the drug is stopped, however, to ensure safety and effectiveness during treatment, it is recommended that patients immediately report to their doctor when experiencing these symptoms. unusual symptoms.

5. Drug interactions Elofan 10

It is recommended that patients, before being prescribed to use with Élofan, should inform the doctor about the history of drug allergies, past or present diseases, drugs or functional foods being used so that they can determine the most appropriate treatment regimen.
Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, alcoholic or fermented beverages during the use of Élofan, because these agents can cause the metabolism of drug components, changing the effectiveness of treatment. .

6. Note when using Élofan 10

The use of Élofan 10 is not indicated in the following subjects:
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to Racecadotril or the excipients contained in Élofan. Do not use the drug for patients with liver or kidney failure. Precautions when using Élofan 10:
Élofan should be used with caution in pregnant or lactating women. Use caution when using the drug in patients with glucose/galactose malabsorption, fructose intolerance. For those who drive or operate machinery, it should be used with caution because adverse effects can cause headaches.

7. Storing Elofan 10

Store Élofan in a cool, dry place, avoid direct exposure to sunlight or high temperature because it can change the substances in Élofan. Suitable storage temperature at room temperature. It is important to pay attention to the expiry date before using the medicine, if there are any problems (mold, watery, change in color), do not continue to use that pack. Above is information about the uses, dosage and precautions when using Elofan. To ensure safety for your health and maximize the effectiveness of your treatment, you need to take Élofan exactly as directed by your doctor.

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