Uses of Doribax

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Doribax medicine contains the main ingredient is Doripenem monohydrate, prepared in powder form for solution for infusion. The drug is packaged in a box of 10 vials. All information about the use of Doribax and indications and contraindications will be shown in the article below.

1. The effect of the drug Doribax

The active ingredient Doripenem in Doribax is a carbapenem antibiotic. The drug is indicated for single use in the treatment of infections caused by susceptible strains of bacteria such as:
Nosocomial pneumonia, including ventilator-associated pneumonia. Complicated intra-abdominal infections. Complicated urinary tract infections. Nephritis-pyelonephritis with or without complications. Sepsis . Doribax has broad-spectrum bactericidal activity against both aerobic gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive and anaerobic bacteria. The drug can be used to treat complex and mixed infections. However, before treatment with gram-positive bacteria, it is necessary to collect patient samples to isolate and identify the causative agent. Also determine the sensitivity of bacteria to Doripenem.

2. Contraindications of the drug Doribax

Doribax is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with severe hypersensitivity to Doripenem or other drugs of the same class of Carbapenem antibiotics. The patient has a history of anaphylaxis to beta-lactam antibiotics.

3. Instructions for using Doribax 500mg

How to use:
Prepare Doribax dose solution:
Add 10ml of distilled water for injection or 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection (physiological saline) into the 500mg vial and shake gently to form a suspension. . Visually inspect the Doribax suspension for foreign matter. Use a syringe and needle to take the suspension and place it in an infusion bag containing 100ml of physiological saline or 5% dextrose and shake gently until clear. Withdraw 55ml of solution from the pouch and discard. Infuse all remaining fluid in the bag to provide a 250mg dose of Doribax. Dosage Reference:
Intravenous every 8 hours. The recommended dose of Doribax for infections is as follows:
Nhiễm khuẩn Liều Khoảng cách liều Thời gian truyền thuốc (giờ) Số ngày dùng
Viêm phổi bệnh viện bao gồm viêm phổi có liên quan đến thở máy 500 mg mỗi 8 giờ 1 hoặc 4 7-14 ngày
Nhiễm khuẩn trong ổ bụng có biến chứng 500 mg mỗi 8 giờ 1 5-14 ngày
Nhiễm khuẩn đường tiết niệu có biến chứng, kể cả viêm thận-bể thận 500 mg mỗi 8 giờ 1 10 ngày

In case the patient has hospital-acquired pneumonia, it is necessary to infuse Doribax in 1 hour. If the patient is at risk of infection with less susceptible bacteria, then Doribax should be infused over 4 hours. The number of days of taking Doribax can be increased to 14 days if the patient has concurrent sepsis. In patients with renal impairment with creatinine clearance (CrCl) > 50 ml/min, no dose adjustment of Doribax is required. If creatinine clearance CrCl ≥ 30 to ≤ 50 ml/min, dose 250 mg every 8 hours. In case of severe renal impairment, creatinine clearance CrCl > 10 to < 30 ml/min, a dose of 250 mg administered every 12 hours is recommended. No dose adjustment of Doribax is necessary in patients with hepatic impairment. Doribax dosage above is for reference only. The specific dose of Doribax depends on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Doribax, patients should consult their doctor or healthcare professional.

4. Side effects of Doribax 500mg

The use of Doribax may cause some side effects such as:
Nausea; Diarrhea ; Itchy; Vaginal fungal infections; Liver enzymes increased ; A rash. This is not a complete list of Doribax side effects. Therefore, if the patient notices any unusual signs of the body while taking Doribax, please inform the doctor for advice.

5. Doribax drug interactions

Doribax may interact with Valproic Acid and reduce the serum concentration of Valproic acid. The therapeutic dose should be monitored in patients treated with valproic acid and other treatment regimens should be considered.
In addition, Doribax may interact with Probenecid concomitantly and reduce the clearance of Doripenem.
To avoid interactions, before being prescribed Doribax, the patient should inform the doctor about the drugs they are using, including functional foods. The doctor will base on that to prescribe the appropriate Doribax.

5. Precautions when using Doribax 500mg

Serious skin reactions and anaphylaxis may occur with the use of Doribax. Especially for patients with a history of sensitivity to multiple antigens. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the patient's medical history carefully before prescribing Doribax. Doribax can cause diarrhea when combined with Clostridium. If Doribax is used in a patient being treated with Valproic acid, the amount of Valproic acid should be monitored regularly. C. difficile pseudomembranous colitis has been reported with most antibacterial agents and can range from mild to life-threatening. Therefore, it is important to consider this diagnosis in patients who are taking Doribax and have diarrhea. Use of Doribax in cases where there is no solid evidence of bacterial infection or for prophylaxis will not provide benefit to the patient. It can also increase your risk of developing drug-resistant bacteria. When Doribax was used by inhalation for research purposes, pneumonia occurred. Therefore, do not use Doribax by this route. No studies have been performed on the effects of Doribax on the ability to drive and use machines. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using Doribax for this subject. Doribax was not teratogenic and had no effect on fetal ossification, growth and fetal weight in preclinical trials. There are not enough controlled studies of Doribax in pregnant women. Because the results of animal studies do not always hold true in humans. Doribax should only be used during pregnancy if absolutely necessary. It is not known whether Doribax is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are secreted into breast milk. Therefore, extreme caution should be exercised when administering Doribax to a nursing mother. Absolutely do not use when Doribax has signs of discoloration, mold, watery or expired. Above is all information about Doribax, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Doribax is a prescription drug, you need to use it as prescribed by your doctor, absolutely do not self-treat at home.

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