Uses of Dofopam

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Dofopam is a product of Dong Nam - VIETNAM Pharmaceutical Manufacturing - Trading Co., Ltd. This drug belongs to the group of drugs that act on the gastrointestinal tract. So what is Dofopam?

1. What is Dofopam?

What is Dofopam? Dofopam contains Alverine citrate as an active ingredient and is available in tablet form. Alverine citrate content in each Dofopam tablet is 40mg, packaged in boxes of 3 blisters or 10 blisters x 10 tablets. Alverine citrate is a papaverine-type antispasmodic agent, which has no atropine-like effect. Alverine can be used in cases of glaucoma or an enlarged prostate gland.

2. Indications for use of Dofopam

Dofopam is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of pain due to gastrointestinal or biliary tract dysfunction. Treatment of spasms and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the urinary tract and genitals (dysmenorrhea, pain due to kidney stones, urinary stones, threatened miscarriage, childbirth).

3. Contraindications to the use of Dofopam

Dofopam is contraindicated in the following cases:
Unexplained pain; Women who are breastfeeding; Patients with low blood pressure; Dofopam is prohibited in children; Patient has intestinal obstruction, paralytic ileus. People who are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients in Dofopam. Note that contraindications to the drug Dofopam must be understood as absolute contraindications, ie not for any reason that contraindicated to be flexibly used.

4. Dosage and how to use Dofopam

How to use: Dofopam drug is taken orally with the following dosage:
Usual dose of Dofopam for adults with menstrual cramps, gastrointestinal spasms, children over 12 years old: each time 40mg - 80mg, 1-3 times a day. It is necessary to apply the exact dose of Dofopam in the drug instructions or instructions of the doctor, pharmacist, the patient does not calculate or change the dose on his own.

5. Dofopam . side effects

During the use of Dofopam, patients may experience some of the following side effects:
Using Dofopam may cause side effects such as: urticaria, laryngeal edema, shock, hypothyroidism blood pressure, headache, dizziness. Inform your doctor about unwanted side effects of Dofopam drug encountered during use.

6. Notes when using Dofopam

Stop using Dofopam and see a doctor as soon as possible if the patient has: Shortness of breath, shortness of breath, wheezing, swelling of the face and other parts of the body, a severe allergic reaction. , yellowing of the skin and eyes, hepatitis; Tell your doctor if you are allergic to the active ingredient (Alverine citrate) or any of the ingredients in Dofopam; Tell the doctor if the patient has bowel obstruction or problems related to the small intestine; There are not enough studies to determine the risks of taking Dofopam during pregnancy or breast-feeding, so before taking Dofopam, always consult your doctor to weigh the benefits and risks. and tell the doctor if the patient is pregnant or breastfeeding; It has not been reported that Dofopam may affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery requiring high alertness; Drug interactions can change how Dofopam works or increase side effects. Therefore, make a list of the medications the patient is taking for treatment (including prescription, nonprescription and dietary supplements) for the doctor or pharmacist to see; Patients should not arbitrarily take Dofopam, stop or change the dose of Dofopam without the permission of the doctor. In summary, before starting to use Dofopam or any other medicinal product, the patient or family member should read the manufacturer's information leaflet that is available in the box. This leaflet will provide you with more information about Dofopam and a complete list of side effects you may experience while taking Dofopam.
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