Uses of Dociano

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Dociano drug is indicated in the treatment of dry cough and cough due to irritation... Let's learn about the uses and notes when using Dociano through the article below.

1. What disease does Dociano treat?

Dociano drug contains the main active ingredients Glyceryl Guaiacolate 100mg, Codeine Phosphate 10mg, prepared in the form of soft capsules. Guaifenesin has an expectorant effect through the mechanism of stimulating the gastric mucosa, stimulating increased secretion of secretions in the respiratory tract, increasing the volume and reducing the viscosity of secretions in the bronchi and trachea. As a result, Guaifenesin increases the effectiveness of the cough reflex, making it easier to expel sputum. The drug is indicated in the treatment of cough with thick sputum that cannot be expelled due to respiratory infections, colds. Guaifenesin is used in combination with bronchodilators, antihistamines, nasal decongestants or opioids.
Active ingredient Codeine belongs to the Opiate group, the structure is Methylmorphin replacing the position of the Hydroxyl group hydrogen bonded with the aromatic nucleus in the Morphine molecule, so Codeine has analgesic and cough-reducing effects. The drug is well absorbed in oral form and is less likely to cause constipation, biliary spasm or addiction than Morphine. The drug has analgesic effect in case of mild pain, moderate pain, reduces cough thanks to the mechanism of direct action on the cough center in the medulla oblongata, drying respiratory secretions and increasing the consistency of bronchial secretions. In case of severe cough, the drug is not effective enough to relieve cough.
Dociano is indicated in patients over 12 years of age for the treatment of dry or irritable cough.

2. Dosage of the drug Dociano

"What is Dociano and how is it used?". Dociano belongs to a group of special control drugs, the dose of the drug used should be prescribed by the treating doctor based on the patient's condition. Therefore, patients absolutely do not arbitrarily buy Dociano drugs for home treatment.
Dociano recommended dosage is 1 tablet / time x 3 times / day, the treatment time should not exceed 7 days.
Note that the dose of the drug presented above is for reference only, the patient needs to use the drug in accordance with the dose prescribed by the doctor.

3. Dociano side effects

Dociano medicine can cause some unwanted effects as follows:
Common: Dizziness, headache, thirst, dry mouth, constipation, vomiting, nausea, little urine, urinary retention, rapid pulse, recovery box, bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension; Uncommon: Urticaria, pruritus, respiratory depression, euphoria, sedation, restlessness, bile duct spasm, stomach pain; Rare: Anaphylactic reactions, disorientation, hallucinations, convulsions, visual disturbances, circulatory failure, sweating, flushing, fatigue; Using drugs containing Codeine at a dose of 240-540mg/day for a long time can cause addiction, with common symptoms of drug deficiency such as tremors, restlessness, sweating, convulsions, runny nose, and tears. physical and mental drugs. Patients should stop using Dociano and inform their doctor about any side effects encountered during treatment.

4. Notes when using Dociano

Dociano is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients who are sensitive to Codeine, Glycerin Guaiacolat or any of Dociano's ingredients; Patients under 18 years of age have just performed curettage of V.A. or tonsillectomy; Patients with respiratory failure, liver disease; Women who are breastfeeding; Patients carrying the gene for metabolizing the drug CYP2D6 super fast; Children under 12 years of age receiving treatment for coughs are at high risk for a serious, life-threatening adverse reaction. Use with caution in the following cases:
Use Dociano with caution in patients with prostate enlargement, thyroid or adrenal dysfunction. Caution when combined with drugs Barbiturates, Phenothiazines, Benzodiazepines, tricyclic antidepressants, Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors. Use only the lowest effective dose and the shortest possible duration of treatment. It is not recommended to treat with Codeine in children with respiratory problems such as wheezing, shortness of breath, etc. Do not treat with Dociano for more than 7 days. The active ingredient Codeine after oral administration will be converted to Morphine through the liver enzyme CYP2D6. Therefore, if the patient has a partial or complete deficiency of this enzyme, the appropriate treatment effect will not be achieved. Conversely, if the patient has a strong, super-fast metabolism, there is an increased risk of adverse reactions due to opioid toxicity even at usual therapeutic doses. Common symptoms of Opioid poisoning include drowsiness, confusion, shallow breathing, nausea, pupillary constriction, constipation, vomiting and loss of appetite. In severe cases, it can lead to respiratory failure. and circulatory failure. Codeine treatment is not recommended in patients with impaired respiratory function, including neuromuscular disorders, upper respiratory tract infections, severe cardiac or respiratory disease, multiple trauma, or recent major surgery... Because these factors will aggravate the symptoms of Opioid poisoning. For drivers, operating machines: Dociano can cause drowsiness, so patients should be careful not to use the drug while driving or operating machinery. For pregnant women, lactating women: Dociano is contraindicated in the treatment of these subjects. Clinical studies have shown that at usual therapeutic doses, codeine and its metabolites are excreted in human milk and may affect the nursing infant.

5. Drug interactions

Dociano may cause some of the following interactions:
Concomitant use with Opiate agonists, analgesics, anesthetics, sedatives, hypnotics, Monoamine Oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants , CNS depressants, alcohol... increase the effectiveness of these drugs; The analgesic effect of Codein increases when used in combination with Paracetamol, Aspirin and is lost when used with Quinidine; Cyclosporin metabolism is decreased when co-administered with codeine due to the inhibitory effect of the cytochrome P450 enzyme of codeine. Drug interactions occur that increase the risk of having an effect and reduce the therapeutic effect of Dociano, so to ensure safety and effectiveness in treating patients, it is necessary to inform the doctor about the drugs and foods that are being used. used before taking Dociano.
Above is information about uses, doses and precautions when using Dociano. To ensure health safety, patients do not arbitrarily buy Dociano medicine for home treatment without a doctor's/pharmacist's indication and prescription.

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