Uses of Docarmin

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Docarmin drug is indicated in the treatment of a number of bone and joint diseases such as osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis, ... Patients should take the drug as prescribed by the doctor to make the best use of Docarmin.

1. What is Docarmin?

Docarmin is manufactured in capsule form by SPM Joint Stock Company with registration number VD-17700-12. Docarmin medicine contains the main active ingredient is Diacerhein with the strength of 50mg.

2. What effect does Docarmin have?

2.1 The effect of the drug Docarmin Active ingredient Diacerhein has anti-inflammatory effect, which is applied in the treatment of some osteoarthritis diseases, the drug does not inhibit COX, so it does not cause side effects on the stomach such as stomach ulcers, Does not cause renal failure with prolonged use. The drug is relatively suitable in the treatment of arthritis compared to the group of NSAIDs.
Active ingredient Diacerhein affects the synthesis and degeneration of articular cartilage, and helps limit inflammatory factors.
Active ingredient Diacerhein participates in the formation of the synovial membrane of articular cartilage, inhibits phagocytic activity and the migration of macrophages in some inflammatory organizations.
2.2 Indications for the use of Docarmin drugs Docarmin drugs should only be used when prescribed by a specialist. Normally, Docarmin drug is used in the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis and some diseases related to bones and joints.
2.3 Contraindications to the use of Docarmin Docarmin 50mg should not be used in the following cases:
Patients are sensitive to any of the ingredients of Docarmin. Children under 15 years old. Women in pregnancy and women who are breastfeeding. Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to anthraquinone derivatives. People with liver failure.

3. Usage - Dosage of Docarmin

How to use Docarmin Docarmin drug is made in capsule form, so patients need to use the drug by mouth, with meals.
Take Docarmin with cooled boiled water. Do not break or bite the pill, take it whole.
Dosage of the drug Docarmin Initial dose: 1 tablet per day, in the evening for the first 2 to 4 weeks, can be combined with other NSAIDs or pain relievers as directed by the doctor. The dose can then be increased: 2 times a day, 1 tablet each time. Dosage in patients with renal impairment (ClCr clearance < 30mL/min): reduce dose or consult physician.

4. Docarmin side effects

During the use of Docarmin, patients may experience symptoms of undesirable effects such as:
Common side effects: Diarrhea, about 7% of patients have this side effect in the first few days of use. drug use. In most cases, this effect goes away with continued use of the drug. Diarrhea and epigastric pain occur in 3 to 5% of patients. Docarmin can cause nausea and vomiting that occurs in 1% of patients. Users of the drug may experience dark yellow urine, these problems are not clinically significant. Note: When experiencing unwanted effects or any abnormalities suspected of using Docarmin, patients should notify their treating doctor or medical staff for guidance and timely treatment.

5. Notes and cautions when using Docarmin

During the use of Docarmin, patients need to be careful with some notes as follows:
Be careful when using Docarmin in the treatment of patients with chronic renal failure, especially in patients with high clearance. Creatinine clearance less than 30ml/min. Administration of Docarmin in severely malnourished patients may result in a significant decrease in the rate and extent of drug absorption. Do not chew or crush the tablet while taking it. Keep Docarmin out of reach of children. Docarmin is a prescribed drug in treatment, patients should use Docarmin according to the indications and instructions of the treating doctor for the drug to work effectively. In the process of taking the drug, if there is any problem, the patient should contact the prescribing doctor directly for advice.

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