Uses of Coltab

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Coltab medicine contains the main ingredient is Citicoline 100mg, prepared in the form of a dropper oral solution. Patients can follow the article below to know what Coltab drug works for? What are the dosages and side effects?

1. What does Coltab do?

Coltab Bharat drug has the effect of promoting the biosynthesis of Phospholipids in nerve cell membranes. This helps prevent brain damage and improves nerve conduction.
2. Indications and contraindications of the drug Coltab Bharat 2.1 Indications Coltab Bharat drug is indicated for the treatment of cases:
Having cerebrovascular disease such as: ischemia due to the occurrence of stroke, stroke stroke . At the same time, it helps to overcome the mobility impairment and restore the patient's consciousness; Cerebral edema ; Traumatic brain injury ; Brain surgery and rehabilitation of people in a traumatic coma. Consciousness disorder, intellectual decline or decline due to the following causes: Old age, Alzheimer's disease, people who work a lot with their brains or have chronic cerebral atherosclerosis. In combination with anticholinergic drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. 2.2 Contraindication of Coltab Bharat drug Coltab drug is contraindicated in the following cases:
Patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any ingredients, excipients contained in Coltab drug Women who are pregnant and breast-feeding or suffering from other medical conditions. Chronic diseases .

3. Dosage and how to take Coltab Bharat

Reference dosage:
For adults and children over 12 years old: Take 3-5 ml/time x 3 times/day. Use the drug for 4 consecutive weeks. For children under 12 years of age: There are no recommendations for use in this group of people. However, if necessary, the recommended dose is 1ml/time x 2-3 times/day or as prescribed by the doctor. How to use:
Coltab Bharat is used orally. Patients should take the medicine with warm water. Patients need to follow the dosage instructions of Coltab, combined with proper nutrition and rest to help improve the effectiveness of treatment.
Note: Coltab dosage above is for reference only. The specific dose of Coltab depends on the condition and the progression of the disease. To get the right dose of Coltab, patients should consult their doctor or healthcare professional.
How to deal with missed dose or overdose of Coltab:
In case of missed dose of Coltab, supplement should be made as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose of Coltab and use a new dose. When using Coltab overdose, the patient should stop the drug immediately and go to the nearest medical facility for timely treatment.

4. Coltab drug side effects

Coltab Bharat is well tolerated with very few side effects. However, during use, the patient is also at risk of experiencing some unwanted effects such as:
Rash; Headache; Digestive disorders . If you experience the above symptoms, you need to stop using Coltab and notify your doctor or pharmacist for appropriate treatment.
5. Interactions of Coltab Drugs Co-administration of Coltab with the following drugs may occur undesirable interactions:
Do not share Coltab with Meclophenoxate and Centrofenoxine. Do not combine Coltab with Levodopa because it may increase the effect of this medicine. Coltab should not be used together with 4-Hydroxyantipyrin because of a significant increase in citicoline plasma concentrations in the liver and brain. To avoid unwanted drug interactions, patients need to give their doctor a list of drugs or supplements they are using, before being prescribed Coltab.
6. Note when using and storing Coltab. Patients should carefully read the instructions for use before using Coltab. Children under 12 years of age should be prescribed Coltab with caution by a doctor if necessary. Coltab medicine should be stored at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, away from direct sunlight and moldy places. Absolutely do not use when Coltab has signs of discoloration, mold, watery or expired. Above is all information about Coltab drug, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before use. Note, Coltab is a prescription drug, patients absolutely must not buy and treat at home because they may experience unwanted side effects.
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