Uses of Clomacid

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Clomacid is a topical cream for dermatology. Complying with the indications, the dose of Clomacid will help patients improve the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects.

1. What is Clomacid?

Clomacid is a prescription drug that belongs to the list of dermatological drugs. Clomacid is manufactured by Can Gio Pharmaceutical Company - VIETNAM, under registration number VD - 12230 - 10.
The main ingredients in Clomacid include the active ingredient Clotrimazole 100mg, and excipients such as:
Emulsol EA ; Cetyl Alcohol; Methyl parabens; Sodium lauryl sulfate; Parafine Oil; Propylene glycol; Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT); Clomacid is made in the form of a skin cream, packed in a box of 10 grams. Clomacid box is white with blue background, drug name printed in black.

2. Uses of Clomacid

Clotrimazole - the active ingredient in Clomacid is a synthetic derivative of Imidazole. The active ingredient Clotrimazole has a chemical structure similar to that of Miconazole. Clomacid itself has broad-spectrum antifungal properties, in addition to being applied topically. The effect of Clomacid is to inhibit the growth of fungi causing skin diseases such as:
Dermatophytes; Yeast; Malassezia furfur; ... Clotrimazole – present in the drug Clomacid has bacteriostatic and fungicidal activity. In vitro Clomacid is active against isolates of:
Trichophyton rubrum; T. mentagrophytes; Epidermophyton floccosum; Mycrosporum canis; Candida species; Candida albicans. In addition, Clomacid is also effective against some Gram (+) bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Trichomonas. Clomacid is distributed in the skin as unchanged drug and is persistently present in the hair follicles.

3. Indication of Clomacid

Clomacid is indicated for the following cases:
Interstitial fungus; Toenail fungus ; Ringworm caused by Malassezia furfur; Inflammation of the nail and around the nail; Vaginitis caused by fungus; Fungal balanitis; Fungal seborrheic dermatitis; ...

4. Dosage and how to use Clomacid

Clomacid medicine is in the form of a cream for the skin. How to use is to apply a thin layer directly on the skin to be treated.
Clomacid dosage is from 2 to 3 times / day. The duration of using Clomacid depends on the status of the infection, specifically:
Skin fungus: Use Clomacid for 3-4 weeks; Tinnitus : Use Clomacid for 2-4 weeks; Vaginitis, balanitis: Use Clomacid for 1-2 weeks; ... Note: The patient should not arbitrarily adjust the dose of Clomacid or increase/decrease the duration of use when there are no indications.

5. Clomacid contraindications

Do not use for subjects who are hypersensitive or allergic to the excipients contained in Clomacid.

6. Caution Clomacid

Some manufacturer cautions when using Clomacid include:
Systemic fungal infections do not use Clomacid; Do not apply Clomacid to the mouth/open wound; When using Clomacid is irritated, stop the drug; After 4 weeks of using Clomacid is not effective, you need to see a doctor; Pregnant women in the first 3 months should not use Clomacid; Breastfeeding do not apply Clomacid; Driving and operating machinery may take Clomacid.

7. Clomacid interactions

When using Clomacid, patients may also experience some side effects including:
Mild burns; Irritation; Allergic dermatitis ; Hurt; ... Patients need to monitor and inform the doctor/pharmacist of the side effects when applying Clomacid to be treated.

8. Preservation of Clomacid

Clomacid store in a dry place at room temperature. Above is all information about Clomacid, patients need to carefully read the instructions for use, consult a doctor / pharmacist before using. Note, Clomacid is a prescription drug, you absolutely must not buy and treat it at home because you may encounter unwanted side effects.

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