Uses of Cerazette

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Cerazette is a birth control pill manufactured in the form of tablets with the main ingredient Desogestrel. So how should Desogestrel be used correctly and what are the precautions?

1. What is Cerazette?

Cerazette contains Desogestrel as the main ingredient. This is a synthetic progestogen that has the same effect as the natural birth control pill produced by the body.
Desogestrel works as a contraceptive mainly by blocking the body's ovulation process or increasing the thickness of the natural mucus in the cervix, making it impossible for sperm to pass from the vagina. easily inserted into the uterus. In addition, desogestrel has the effect of altering the quality of the uterine lining to prevent successful implantation in the case of a fertilized egg to prevent pregnancy.
Cerazette drug is indicated in cases of birth control. In particular, the drug is also suitable for women who are intolerant to estrogen and women who are breastfeeding.

2. How to use Cerazette

The drug is used orally with 1 tablet / day at a certain time to ensure that the interval between pills is always 24 hours. When the interval between 2 pills is more than 27 hours, the effectiveness of contraception will decrease somewhat. If you forget to take a pill, the chances of pregnancy are very high.
If you have not previously used hormonal contraception, start taking the first pill on the first day of your period and continue taking it for 28 consecutive days.
After finishing one pack, you can start immediately with the next pack without any days to stop taking the pill and without waiting for the next period to occur. Therefore, it is necessary to buy a box of birth control pills for the next use.
If you are taking combined oral contraceptives, you can take the first Cerazette pill on the next day after taking the last active pill and stop using 7 more pills without the active ingredient.
If you are taking a progestogen-only oral contraceptive, you can stop the pill at any time and start taking Cerazette the next day.
In case you forget to take a pill, follow these instructions:
If it's not more than 3 hours, take the missed pill as soon as you remember and you can take the next pill as usual. If it takes more than 3 hours to miss, there is a higher chance of pregnancy and you can take the missed pill as soon as you remember and take the next pill as usual. You should also use an additional method of contraception for the next 7 days. If you forget to take a pill within the first week of starting use and have intercourse within a week before you miss the pill, the possibility of pregnancy should be considered.

3. Side effects of the drug Cerazette

When using this medicine can cause some of the following side effects which usually go away on their own without medical help such as irregular periods, acne, mood changes, breast pain, nausea , vomiting, weight gain, decreased sex drive, headache, skin reactions, ovarian cysts. If the above symptoms persist, contact your doctor immediately for appropriate treatment.

4. Contraindications of Cerazette

Do not use Cerazette for the following cases:
Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy Blood clots Jaundice, yellow eyes or severe liver disease Progestogen dependent cancer Unexplained abnormal vaginal bleeding Yes Yes history of hypersensitivity to desogestrel

5. Interactions between Cerazette and other drugs

Some drugs can cause adverse reactions if taken with Cerazette such as: Medicines for epilepsy (phenytoin, barbiturates, primidone, carbamazepine), drugs for tuberculosis (rifampin, rifabutin).

6. Some notes when using Cerazette

Cerazette can be used for women who are breastfeeding because it does not affect the quality and quantity of milk secreted. Cerazette birth control pills can cause irregular periods or even stop them temporarily. Therefore, the drug should not be discontinued if these phenomena occur. In the absence of menstruation, the patient takes the pill late or forgets to take one or more pills, pregnancy can be suspected. If you experience severe and sudden pain in the lower abdomen, it may be due to an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian cyst. Patients need to see a doctor for an immediate examination. Do not use tobacco while taking birth control pills because it can increase the risk and worsen side effects.
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