Uses of Carboal 450

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Carboal 450 belongs to the category of anti-cancer drugs and acts on the immune system. The drug is used in the treatment of diseases such as: ovarian cancer, head and neck cancer, brain tumor... Before using Carboal 450, patients should actively learn important information such as: Dosage quantity, ingredients, and subjects used for better results.

1. Composition and uses of the drug Carboal 450

Carboplatin 450mg is the main ingredient of Carboal 450. The drug is prepared by the manufacturer in the form of a concentrated solution for infusion. Each bottle is 45ml.
Carboal 450 is a prescription drug, so patients use it when prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication always carries many risks to the patient's health.
Currently, the drug Carboal 450 is indicated in the treatment of the following diseases:
Ovarian cancer, the drug is used from the early stage to the metastatic stage. Lung cancer, which includes both small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer. Head and neck cancer. Wilms tumor, brain tumor and neuroblastoma. Testicular cancer, bladder cancer, and retinoblastoma in children.

2. Dosage of Carboal 450

The dose of Carboal 450 medicine will be evaluated by the doctor based on many factors such as the patient's medical condition, current health and age. Some problems when using Carboal 450 include:
When infusion, the patient should lie still, in a comfortable, relaxed position. The drug needs to be injected into a blood vessel. If injected outside the vessel can cause necrosis. Dosage should be based on clinical response, tolerability and toxicity, so that optimal treatment results with minimal adverse effects. The starting dose will be based on body surface area and calculated according to the patient's renal function. The usual dose is 300-450mg/m2. In patients with renal and hepatic impairment, the dose can be reduced to suit their health status. In addition, when prescribed Carboal 450, patients also need to share with their doctor about all medications they are taking, including prescription and non-prescription drugs, as well as personal health history before that. Based on this, the doctor will advise the patient on the most appropriate dose.

3. Objects contraindicated for Carboal 450

Based on the ingredients and active ingredients, Carboal 450 is contraindicated for the following subjects:
People with severe myelosuppression, severe renal failure. Pregnant or lactating women are strictly forbidden to use the drug, because this can seriously affect the development of the fetus. The most dangerous is causing birth defects. In addition, the drug Carboal 450 is also assessed as having the ability to pass into breast milk. People with a history or severe allergy to Carboal. Contraindications are understood as not taking the drug absolutely, so patients need to follow the rules to ensure the safest health.

4. Carboal 450 . drug interactions

During the use of Carboal 450, if combined with other drugs that can cause bone marrow depression or radiation therapy will increase toxicity on the blood. Therefore, if in the case of combined use, it is necessary to monitor carefully.
Carboal 450 itself is nephrotoxic, but the potential for toxicity is only mild to moderate. If combined with Aminoglycosides or other drugs that are also nephrotoxic, it will strongly increase nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Therefore, users need to consider this issue when using.
In addition, during the use of Carboal 450 with other drugs may also increase the nausea. Users should consider to have the safest possible use of Carboal 450.

5. Side effects of Carboal 450

Cancer patients are very likely to experience side effects during the use of Carboal 450. The most noticeable and typical signs are: Vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, hair loss and darkening of the skin... These signs also vary from person to person.
For Carboal 450, the most common side effects can be mentioned as: renal failure, hyperuricemia, electrolyte disturbances, hearing disorders, peripheral neuropathy, increased liver failure, digestive disorders chemistry, hair loss and fever.
Usually, these side effects will subside after the end of the course of Carboal 450, so patients should not be too worried. However, there are also cases where serious and prolonged side effects occur, at this time the patient or family member needs to discuss directly with the doctor for appropriate indications.
Because Carboal 450 is used directly under the manipulation of medical staff, missed doses and overdoses are very rare.

6. Drug interactions with food and drink

In order for the treatment process to achieve the most optimal results, during the time of Carboal 450, patients should stay away from foods or alcohol, beer, tobacco... because they can affect and cause symptoms. antagonist or synergistic with the drug. Instead, maintain a diet rich in green vegetables, fruits, and fresh fruits to limit constipation in cancer patients.
Hope with the sharing about Carboal 450 medicine will help patients better understand the ingredients, uses and usage. If you have any other questions, you can contact your doctor for in-depth advice.

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